WITNESS LIST Public Information (Interim) Committee December 2, 1997-10:30A PIA - Judicial Records - Invited On: Davis, Denise (Texas Judicial Council), Austin PIA - Judicial Records - Public On: Borges, Walt (Texas Citizen Action), Austin Crawford, R.C. (Truth in Law Assn.), Austin SB 1069 (75R) - Invited Against: Stephenson, Thomas (himself & TDNA/TPA), San Antonio SB 1069 (75R) - Public For: Garza, Frank J. (City of San Antonio), San Antonio Philippus, Al (San Antonio Police Dept), San Antonio On: Hotham, Theodore (The Polk Company), Southfield, MI McLendon, Ruth Jones (herself, State Rep.), San Antonio Testimony-committee charges-Invited On: James, Reggie (Consumers Union), Austin Testimony-committee charges-Public For: Perkins, Carol (herself), Huntsville Rivard, Robert (FOIFT & S.A. Exp. News), San Antonio On: Calzoncit, Nick (himself), San Antonio Heath, Patrick (The City of Boerne), Boerne Peak, Howard (City of San Antonio), San Antonio Schloss, Hadassah (General Services Comm.), Austin Registering, but not testifying: On: Coaxum, Sandra (Attorney General's Ofc.), Austin