WITNESS LIST Public Information (Interim) Committee October 9, 1997-1:30P HB 1718 (74R) and related matters On: Schloss, Hadassah M. (General Services Comm), Austin PIA - Judicial Exception - Invited On: Morales, Atty. Gen. Dan (himself), Austin Phillips, Ch. Just. Tom (himself), Austin PIA - Judicial Exception - Public On: Borges, Walt (Texas Citizen Action), Austin Coaxum, Sandra (Attorney General's Ofc.), Austin Crawford, R.C. (himself), Austin McDonald, Craig (Txns for Public Justice), Austin Registering, but not testifying: On: Baker, The Hon. James (himself), Austin SB 1069 (75R) and related matters On: Donaldson, David H. (FOI Foundation of TX), Austin Tillotson, Dolph (TX Daily Newspaper Asn.), Austin Registering, but not testifying: On: Dike, Jerry (TX DOT), Austin Sibert, Judy (Dept. of Public Safety), Austin Testimony on committee charges For: Monson, Nancy E. (Freedom of Info. Fndtn.), Plano Woodford, Suzy (Common Cause), Austin On: Hollingsworth, Lonnie (TX Classrm Teachers Asn), Austin James, Reggie (Consumers Union), Austin Little, Kim (herself), Austin Workman, Mike (himself), Austin Registering, but not testifying: For: McLemore, John C. (himself), Austin Romo, David (himself), Austin Schneider, Michael (TX Asn. of Broadcasters), Austin Smith, Tom "Smitty" (Public Citizen), Austin