Transportation Committee
April 14, 1997-3:00P  

HB 107Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Giddings, Rep. Helen (Author of HB 107)
            Williams, Ann (Trinity Chapter, Links)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Collins, Robby (Dallas ISD)
            Hayes, Patricia (TCTA)
            Hill, Claire (self)
            Kibby, Sandy (Texas PTA)
            Mask, Marilyn J. (Trinity Chapter, Links)

HB 2021 Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Christian, Rep. Wayne (Author of HB 2021)
            Raney, James E. (Mayor of Nacogdoches)
            Wilcox, Floyd O. (Foretravel, Inc.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Fore, Ray (Foretravel, Inc.)
            Franklin, Don (Foretravel, Inc.)
            Pierce, Gordon C. (City of Nacogdoches)
   On:      Bray, Brett (Mot. Veh. Div. TxDOT)

HB 2068 Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Swinford, Rep. David (Author of HB 2068)
   On:      Mills, Lester (DPS)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Berrryhill, Dennis (Fleetwood Tran. Service)
            Findeisen, Les (TMTA)
            Hufford, Ron (Texas Forestry Assoc.)
            Williams, Tony D. (TX Cotton Ginner's Ass.)

HB 2101 Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Barton, Bill (TX Railroad Assoc.)
            Siebert, Rep. Bill (Author of HB 2101)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Arrington, Sam (United Transport. Union)
            Bennett, Courtney (TX Railroad Assoc.)
            English, Jr., C.M. (United Transport. Union)
            Hinojosa, Walter (Texas AFL-CIO)
            Olson, Ron M. (Union Pacific Railroad)

HB 2469 Committee Substitute (Siebert)
   For:     Dructor, Daniel J. (TX Logging Council)
            McReynolds, Rep. Jim (Author of HB 2469)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Bradley, John (TX Logging Council)
            Currie, Bob (TX Logging Council)
            Hufford, Ron (TX Forestry Assoc.)
            Joiner, Gary (TX Farm Bureau)
            Nutt, James (TX Logging Council)
   On:      Mills, Lester (DPS)

HB 2519 Amendment (Alexander)
   For:     Gallego, Rep. Pete (Author of HB 2519)
            Lamkin, Jack (Friends of BBNP)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cisneros, Jose A. (Big Bend National Park)
            Kolb, Dana Jepson (Friends of BBNP)

HB 2522
   For:     Finnel, Rep. Charles (Author of HB 2522)
            Strain, H.W. "Sputnik" (TMRA)

HB 2781 Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Besteiro, Jr., Raul A. (Brownsville Nav. Dist.)
            Elkins, Craig (BNDLA)
            Fainter, Jr., John W. (Port of Brownsville)
            Kruse, James C. (Brownsville Nav. Dist.)
            Parker, Jr., Frank (BCBA)
            Solis, Rep. Jim (Joint Author of HB 2781)
   Against: Findeisen, Les (TMTA)
   On:      Burnett, William G. (TxDOT)
            Mills, Lester (DPS)

HB 2797 Committee Substitute (Alexander)
   For:     Marchant, Rep. Ken (Author of HB 2797)

HB 3246
   For:     Gallego, Rep. Pete (Author of HB 3246)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Templeton, Bob (TxDOT)

HB 3341
   For:     Siebert, Rep. Bill (Author of H.B. 3341)
   Against: Brady, Gerald M. (Houston Limo. Assoc.)
            Schovajsa, David (Limo. Assoc. of Houston)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Findeisen, Les (TMTA)
            Foster, Mark (TRLA)
   On:      Bisson, Jim (TxDOT)
            Mills, Lester (DPS)

HR 405
   For:     Pickett, Rep. Joe (Author of H.R. 405)

SB 120
   For:     McClendon, Rep. Ruth (Sponsor of S.B. 120)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Templeton, Bob (TxDOT)

SB 446
   For:     Siebert, Rep. Bill (Sponsor of S.B. 446)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Joiner, Gary (Texas Farm Bureau)
   On:      Templeton, Bob (TxDOT)

SB 460
   For:     Cuellar, Rep. Henry (Sponsor of S.B. 460)
            Linebarger, Libby (Texas CASA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Piper, Jane Quentan (Texas CASA)

SB 950
   For:     Griebel, Thomas A. (TXDOT)
            Horn, Rep. Jim (Sponsor of S.B. 950)