WITNESS LIST Public Safety Committee March 10, 1997-4:00P HB 414 For: Rep. Dale Tillery (Co-Author of HB 414) Rep. Henry Cuellar (Author of HB 414) Richard W. Cooper (Himself) Scott Ashley (Himself) Against: Charles Wirth (State Farm Insurance Co) Robert Schnieder (Consumer's Union) On: Jerry Dike (TxDOT) Kathleen T. Murphy (DPS) Kevin Raymond (DPS) Vernon Jorgenson (Farmer's Ins. Group) HB 948 For: Deborah Taylor (Herself) Rep. Robert Puente (Author of HB 948) Against: Charles Wirth (State Farm Insurance Co) Robert Schnieder (Consumer's Union) On: Kathleen T. Murphy (DPS) Kevin Raymond (DPS) HB 1881 For: Jimmy Fawcett (TX Police Chiefs Assoc.) On: Wayne Green (TCLEOSE) HCR 94 For: Gertrude Miller (Americ. Jewish Congress) Mark Shilling (Texas Chemical Council) Rep. Harryette Ehrhardt (Author of HCR 94)