WITNESS LIST Public Safety Committee February 24, 1997-4:00P HB 797 For: Clift Price, M.D. (TX Pediatric Society) Hon. Bruce Todd (Mayor, City of Austin) Hon. Elliot Naishtat (Co-Author HB 797) John Sampson (Himself) Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. (Himself) Judy Padgett (Herself) Kim Davies (Dallas Area Safe Kids) Larry C. Driver, M.D. (TMA Foundation) Larry Swift (TX Brain Injury Assoc.) Linsey Oates (Herself) Robin Worthington (Tarrant Co. Safe Kids) Ronald M. Stewart, M.D. (Himself) Sam Sanchez (S.A. Metro Health Dist.) Sandy Silver (Herself) Shelby Oates Maddox (Herself) Susan M. Douglass (Emergency Nurses Assoc.) Against: Daniel Goldman,M.D, MPH (Himself) H.W. "Sputnik" Strain (TMRA) James Damon ("Bikes Not Bombs" of TX) Nick De La Cruz (TMRA) On: David Zane (TX Dept. of Health) Jack McGehee (TX Trial Lawyers Assn.) Johnny Humphreys (TX Dept. of Health) Shirley Ogletree,Ph. D. (Herself) Theresa Gross (DPS) Registering, but not testifying: For: Bill Lewis (MADD) Ed Berger (Seton Healthcare Netwrk) Harold Freeman (TX Medical Assoc.) Nancy Engman Holman (TEXNS Care for Children) Peggy Black (Herself) Robert K. Feather (Cook Children's Med Ctr) Robyn A. Shapiro (TX Osteopathic Medical) Against: A. Brownsword (TMRA) HB 1251 For: Kay Thurman (Herself) Meyer Kaplan, M.D. (Himself) Morris E. Futch (Himself) Registering, but not testifying: On: Pauline Denson (TX Dept. of Lic. & Reg.)