** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Public Information (Interim) TIME & DATE: 1:30PM, Thursday, October 9, 1997 PLACE: Capitol Ext. Room E1.012 CHAIR: Senator Jeff Wentworth ___________________________________________________________________________ Organizational Meeting I. Call to Order II. To Consider and Vote on the Following: Committee Rules III. Invited Testimony - Judicial Branch Exclusion from the Public Information Act Chief Justice Tom Phillips, Supreme Court of Texas Attorney General Dan Morales IV. Overview & Discussion of Legislation Delineated in Committee Charge: SB 1069 (75th Legislative Session) relating to the release and use of certain personal information from motor vehicle records HB 1718 (74th Legislative Session) relating to the revision of the open records law V. Public Testimony on Committee Charges VI. Other Business VII. Recess ___________________________________________________________________________