HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Public Safety TIME & DATE: 4:00PM, Monday, April 7, 1997 PLACE: E2.014 CHAIR: Rep. Keith Oakley ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 1856 Telford Relating to the continuation and functions of the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. HB 3074 Gray Relating to the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from disasters. HB 1324 Carter Relating to the administration and financing of emergency communication districts. HB 1380 Howard Relating to the enforcement of certain traffic laws by private institutions of higher education. HB 2715 Goodman Relating to driver's license eligibility and restrictions. HB 3128 Naishtat Relating to the regulation of shooting ranges; providing a penalty. HB 1176 Allen Relating to public access to conviction and deferred adjudication information and to certain sex offender registration information maintained by the Department of Public Safety. HB 2909 Carter / et al. Relating to persons eligible for a license to carry a concealed handgun, to the rights and duties of license holders, and to certain offenses involving weapons. HB 2704 Keel, Terry Relating to the training of certain law enforcement officers and county jailers. HB 1455 Kuempel Relating to the regulation of a detection device under the Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act. HB 2296 Jackson Relating to the servicing of a portable fire extinguisher. HB 3256 Oakley Relating to the operation and management of the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas and to membership on that institute's advisory board. HB 57 Wilson Relating to the authority of active and retired judicial officers to carry certain weapons. HB 1058 Allen Relating to the making of a change to an offense report or accident report prepared by a peace officer. HB 1366 Talton / et al. Relating to prohibiting employment discrimination against certain peace officers for refusing to take a polygraph examination. HB 1598 McClendon Relating to providing public notice on release of a sex offender into the community. HB 1736 McClendon Relating to the release of information regarding a registered sex offender to certain school personnel. HB 3113 McClendon Relating to providing public notice on release of a sex offender into the community. HB 1153 Wise Relating to the powers and duties of the missing children and missing persons information clearinghouse. HB 1912 Wise Relating to the reporting of certain information to the national crime information center. HB 580 Coleman / et al. Relating to enforcement of laws relating to parking by persons with disabilities. HB 972 Jones, Jesse Relating to systems for providing access to driver's license record information held by the Department of Public Safety. HB 2406 Hochberg Relating to a computerized criminal history search by the Department of Public Safety of persons licensed by certain state agencies. HB 1115 Oakley Relating to the denial of renewal of a driver's license for failure to appear for certain offenses. HB 1200 Cuellar / et al. Relating to the period of validity of and fees for a driver's license or personal identification certificate. ___________________________________________________________________________