Minutes Tuesday, May 19, 1998 Page MINUTES SENATE INTERIM COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Room 108 Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Health, Science and Technology Building Texas State Technological College Loop 499 and Jasmine Street Harlingen, Texas 78550 Tuesday, May 19, 1998 10:30 a.m. ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.11, a public hearing of the Senate Interim Committee on Public Information was held on Tuesday, May 19, 1998, in Room 108 of the Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Health, Science and Technology Building, Texas State Technological College, Harlingen, Texas. ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Jeff Wentworth Senator Kenneth Armbrister Senator John Carona Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator John Whitmire ***** The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. The following business was transacted. Senator Carona moved adoption of the minutes from the last meeting. Without objection, it was so ordered. The committee heard invited testimony regarding the interim charge to monitor the implementation of SB 1069 (75th Legislative Session) and related matters, including public disclosure of certain law enforcement records. The following person registered to testify on this issue: Lyle Debolt, publisher, Valley Morning Star, representing himself, the Texas Daily Newspaper Association and the Texas Press Association. The committee heard public testimony on the committee charges. The following people registered to testify on the committee charges: Brenda Lee Huerta, News Director, KGBT AM/FM and KIWW FM radio. Kevin Pagan, Assistant City Attorney, City of McAllen. Jim Scheopner, Chief of Police, City of Harlingen. Hadassah Schloss, Open Records Administrator, General Services Commission. There being no further business, at 11:30 a.m. Chairman Wentworth moved that the committee stand recessed subject to the call of the Chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ______________________________________ Senator Jeff Wentworth, Chair ______________________________________ Todd Baxter, Chief Clerk and General Counsel