House Committee on Public Safety 75th Legislature April 2, 1997 2:15 pm John H. Reagan Building, Room 104 Pursuant to a notice posted on March 27, 1997, revised April 1, 1997, the House Committee on Public Safety met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Chair, Representative Keith Oakley at 2:15 pm. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Oakley; Driver; Carter; Keel, Terry; Madden; Olivo (6). Absent: Representatives Keffer; McClendon; Reyna, Elvira (3). A quorum was present. HB 1366 The chair laid out HB 1366. (Representative Reyna, Elvira now present.) Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative Talton to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (Representative Keffer now present.) The chair recognized Representative Talton to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 2406 The chair laid out HB 2406. The chair recognized Representative Hochberg to explain the measure. The chair recognized Representative Hochberg to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 1153 and HB 1912 The chair laid out HB 1153. The chair recognized Representative Wise to explain both bills. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Wise to close on both bills. Both bills were left pending without objection. HB 580 The chair laid out HB 580. The chair recognized Representative Coleman to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (Representative McClendon now present.) The bill was left pending without objection. HB 1200 The chair laid out HB 1200. Representative Oakley offered a complete committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative Cuellar to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 972 The chair laid out HB 972. The chair recognized Representative Jones to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Jones to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 1598 and HB 1736 and HB 3113 The chair laid out HB 1598 and HB 1736 and HB 3113. The chair recognized Representative McClendon to explain all three bills. Testimony was taken on all three bills. The chair recognized Representative McClendon to close on three measures. The bills were left pending without objection. HB 1058 The chair laid out HB 1058. The chair explained the measure for Representative Allen. Testimony was taken. The bill was left pending without objection. (Representative Driver in chair.) HB 1115 The chair laid out HB 1115. The chair recognized Representative Oakley to explain the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. (Representative Oakley in chair.) At 5:50 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was recessed subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Rep. Keith Oakley, Chair ______________________ John W. Webb, Clerk