House Committee on Public Safety 75th Legislature March 24, 1997 4:10 pm Capitol Extension, E2.014 Pursuant to a notice posted on March 19, 1997, the House Committee on Public Safety met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Acting Chair, Representative Driver, at 4:10 pm. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Driver; Carter; Keel, Terry; Keffer; Madden; Olivo; Reyna, Elvira (7). Absent: Representatives Oakley; McClendon (2). A quorum was present. HB 397 The chair laid out HB 397. The chair recognized Representative Hunter to explain the measure. Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute. Testimony was taken. (Representative Oakley now present.) (Representative Oakley in chair.) (Representative McClendon now present.) The chair recognized Representative Hunter to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. (Representative Driver in chair.) HB 2295 The chair laid out HB 2295. Representative Oakley offered a complete committee substitute. Representative Oakley offered an amendment to the committee substitute. Representative Oakley offered a second amendment to the committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative Oakley to explain the measure. The chair recognized Representative Carter to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Oakley to close on the measure. The chair recognized Representative Carter to close on the measure. The committee substitute, as amended, was adopted without objection. Representative Madden moved that HB 2295, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Representatives Oakley; Driver; Carter; Keel, Terry; Keffer; Madden; McClendon; Olivo; Reyna, Elvira (9). Nays: None (0). Present not Voting: None (0). Absent: None (0). HB 1664 The chair laid out HB 1664. The chair recognized Representative Oliveira to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Oliveira to close on the measure. Representative Driver moved that HB 1664 be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Representatives Driver; Carter; Keel, Terry; Keffer; Madden; McClendon; Olivo; Reyna, Elvira (8). Nays: None (0). Present not Voting: Representative Oakley (1). Absent: None (0). (Representative Oakley now absent.) HB 1049 Pursuant to an announcement on the House floor suspending of the 5-day posting rule, on March 24, 1997, the chair laid out HB 1049. The chair recognized Representative Gutierrez to explain the measure. The chair recognized Representative Gutierrez to close on the measure. Representative Carter moved that HB 1049 be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Representatives Driver; Carter; Keel, Terry; Keffer; Madden; McClendon; Olivo; Reyna, Elvira (8). Nays: None (0). Present not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Oakley (1). HB 1048 The chair laid out HB 1048. The chair recognized Representative Gutierrez to explain the measure. The chair recognized Representative Gutierrez to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 865 The chair laid out HB 865. The chair recognized Representative Van de Putte to explain the measure. The chair recognized Representative Van de Putte to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 1546 The chair laid out HB 1546. The chair recognized Representative Chavez to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Chavez to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 3066 The chair laid out HB 3066. Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative King to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative King to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 329 The chair laid out HB 329. Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative Kamel to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. The chair recognized Representative Kamel to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 142 The chair laid out HB 142. Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute. The chair recognized Representative Kamel to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (Representative Madden in chair.) (Representative Driver in chair.) The chair recognized Representative Kamel to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. At 9:25 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was recessed subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Rep. Keith Oakley, Chair ______________________ John W. Webb, Clerk