House Committee on Public Safety Subcommittee on HB 797 75th Legislature March 3, 1997 3:45 pm Capitol Extension, E2.014 Pursuant to a notice posted on February 26, 1997, the House Committee on Public Safety, Subcommittee on HB 797 met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Chair, Representative Driver at 3:45 pm. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Driver, Joe; Carter, Bill; McClendon, Ruth Jones (3). A quorum was present HB 797 The chair laid out HB 797. The chair recognized Representative Carter to explain the measure. Representative Carter offered a complete committee substitute. Representative McClendon moved that HB 797, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full committee. The committee substitute was adopted by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Driver, Joe; Carter, Bill; McClendon, Ruth Jones (3). Nays: None (0). Present not Voting: None (0). At 3:50 pm, on the motion of Representative McClendon and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Rep. Joe Driver, Chair ______________________