House Committee on Higher Education 
         Subcommittee on Education Cost 
         75th Legislature 
         April 28, 1998 
         10:00 am  
         Capitol Extension, E2.010 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on April 6, 1998, the House  
         Committee on Higher Education, Subcommittee on Education Cost  
         met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Acting  
         Chair, Representative  at 10:05 am. 
         The roll was answered as follows:   
         Present:  Representatives Solis; Uresti (2). 
         Absent:   Representatives Bailey; Kamel; (2). 
         A quorum was present.  
         The subcommittee took testimony on the following interim  
         charge: (see attached witness list) 
                   Study the trend in cost of a post-secondary  
         education, financial aid, and family incomes; evaluate the  
         effects on access to higher learning by persons of all  
         socio-economic levels. 
         At 12:06 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Jim Solis, Chair 
         Suzanna Ceballos, Clerk