Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Charlie Geren
81st Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/15/2025

Number of Bills: 65

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (59):
HB 477 Author: Geren
Last Action: 03/23/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of political contributions to pay a civil penalty imposed by the Texas Ethics Commission.

HB 503 Author: Geren | Sheffield | Aycock | King, Susan | Strama
Last Action: 03/11/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to adoption of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

HB 1160 Author: Geren
Last Action: 02/25/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to notice of contract expiration in retail electric service contracts.

HB 1161 Author: Geren | Maldonado
Sponsor: Harris
Last Action: 05/31/2009 H Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported
Caption: Relating to local regulation of distance requirements for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages near certain establishments.

HB 1405 Author: Geren | Veasey
Last Action: 03/02/2009 H Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the licensing and regulation of landmen by the Texas Real Estate Commission.

HB 1406 Author: Geren | Kuempel | Thompson | Menendez | Hamilton
Last Action: 04/15/2009 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to practices and professions regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission.

HB 1407 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Davis, Wendy
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the redemption of real property sold at an ad valorem tax sale.

HB 1473 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the application of certain requirements affecting certain subdivision golf courses.

HB 1474 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Harris
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the operation and regulation of charitable bingo and the use of bingo proceeds.

HB 1705 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Ellis
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the Department of Information Resources, including the abolition of the telecommunications planning and oversight council, the electronic commerce network, and the electronic procurement marketplace and standards for certain school district software.

HB 1706 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/30/2009 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the licensing and regulation of identity recovery service contract providers and the inclusion of identity recovery service agreements in certain service contracts and vehicle protection products; providing penalties.

HB 1707 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/05/2009 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the required disclosure under the public information law of information pertaining to an employee or trustee of a public employee pension system.

HB 2103 Author: Geren | Parker
Last Action: 04/27/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a franchise tax credit for certain research and development activities.

HB 2104 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Seliger
Last Action: 05/07/2009 H Motion to concur in Senate amdmts. withdrawn
Caption: Relating to the statute of limitations for an action under the Beer Industry Fair Dealing Law.

HB 2105 Author: Geren | Solomons
Last Action: 05/11/2009 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the regulation of certain licensing agents; providing a penalty.

HB 2106 Author: Geren
Last Action: 03/09/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to contracts by governmental entities and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds.

HB 2109 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/24/2009 H Returned to Calendars Committee
Caption: Relating to the requirement that certain applicants for a vehicle dealer general distinguishing number complete a dealer education course.

HB 2333 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Davis, Wendy
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the lease of certain oil, gas, or mineral land by a municipality.

HB 2334 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/23/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of a regional tollway authority, including the establishment of an administrative adjudication hearing procedure; creating an offense.

HB 2509 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 05/27/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the payment of a lottery prize awarded to a minor.

HB 3071 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/08/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to benefits for members and veterans of the United States armed forces and the state military forces.

HB 3072 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the transfer of municipal property to economic development corporations by certain municipalities.

HB 3073 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Fraser
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 1/1/10
Caption: Relating to charges at closing of certain real property transactions.

HB 3632 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Averitt
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the authority of the state to acquire, sell, or exchange certain land.

HB 3633 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/13/2009 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the purchase by state agencies of certain lamps.

HB 3634 Author: Geren | Rose | Callegari | Gattis | Ortiz, Jr.
Sponsor: Van de Putte
Last Action: 05/27/2009 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to creditable service in the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the transfer of that credit between classes of membership for certain state employees.

HB 3635 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to administration of a trust with cotrustees.

HB 3664 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/05/2009 H No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement of a permit or permit amendment from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the construction or modification of an electric generating facility in the coastal zone of this state that uses wind power.

HB 3797 Author: Geren
Last Action: 03/23/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to suspending the goal for renewable energy.

HB 3798 Author: Geren
Last Action: 03/23/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the total cost of transmission to competitive renewable energy zones.

HB 3799 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/15/2009 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the preservation and maintenance of the Governor's Mansion.

HB 4360 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to revenue sources for certain venue projects.

HB 4361 Author: Geren | Parker | Truitt
Last Action: 05/15/2009 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the regulation of retail installment contracts for commercial vehicles.

HB 4452 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to amendments to the Texas Timeshare Act.

HB 4750 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the appointment of magistrates in the White Settlement municipal courts.

HCR 16 Author: Geren | Miller, Sid
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Designating Paluxysaurus jonesi as the official Lone Star State Dinosaur, replacing Brachiosaur Sauropod, Pleurocoelus.

HCR 57 Author: Geren
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Authorizing the lieutenant governor and speaker to appoint interim joint committees.

HR 3 Author: Geren | Dunnam
Last Action: 01/16/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 16 2009 8:00AM
Caption: Adopting the Housekeeping Resolution for the House of Representatives of the 81st Legislature.

HR 70 Author: Geren | Eiland
Last Action: 01/13/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 13 2009 6:01PM
Caption: Providing for the receipt of nominations to elect the speaker of the house of representatives.

HR 339 Author: Geren
Last Action: 02/12/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 12 2009 8:10AM
Caption: Honoring the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas and welcoming its members who are visiting the State Capitol on February 10, 2009.

HR 634 Author: Geren
Last Action: 03/18/2009 H Reported enrolled: Mar 18 2009 8:00AM
Caption: Recognizing February 26, 2009, as Osteopathic Medicine Day at the State Capitol.

HR 998 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/03/2009 H Reported enrolled: Apr 3 2009 5:30PM
Caption: In memory of Billy Eugene "Sarge" Cook of Dallas.

HR 1533 Author: Geren
Last Action: 04/28/2009 H Reported enrolled: Apr 28 2009 7:55AM
Caption: Recognizing April 23, 2009, as Technosaurus Day and commending Shashwath Murthy of Irving for his research on the species.

HR 1613 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/02/2009 H Reported enrolled: May 2 2009 10:34AM
Caption: Honoring Ronald Ray Hughes of Austin on the occasion of his retirement from the Purchasing and Supply Department of House Business Operations.

HR 2070 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/25/2009 H Reported enrolled: May 25 2009 6:35PM
Caption: In memory of William Kelly Young of Fort Worth.

HR 2286 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/27/2009 H Reported enrolled: May 27 2009 7:45AM
Caption: Honoring Janice Vastine of Austin on her retirement from the Texas House of Representatives.

HR 2385 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Designating the grandchildren of house members as honorary mascots.

HR 2386 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Electing the children of house members to the office of mascot.

HR 2768 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/30/2009 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2009 10:03AM
Caption: Honoring the heroism of all those involved in saving the life of State Representative Edmund Kuempel.

HR 2898 Author: Geren
Last Action: 05/31/2009 H 3 hr. notice-for consideration
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1161.

HR 2943 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Recognizing the staff of the house sergeant-at-arms office.

HR 2944 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the staff of the House Research Organization.

HR 2945 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the staff of the House Committee Coordinator's Office.

HR 2946 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the staff of the Texas Legislative Council.

HR 2962 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring House Parliamentarian Denise Davis and her staff for their exemplary service during the 81st legislative session.

HR 3052 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring Capitol nurse practitioner Tim Flynn for his service to the legislative community during the Regular Session of the 81st Texas Legislature.

HR 3053 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Commending the staff of the office of the House Journal Clerk.

HR 3072 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the employees of the House Business Office for their service during the 81st Texas Legislature.

HR 3073 Author: Geren
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the members of the Chief Clerk's Office of the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas Legislature.

Joint Author (6):
HB 995 Author: Turner, Chris | Turner, Sylvester | Geren | Menendez | Bohac
Last Action: 05/12/2009 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to notice of expiration and price change in certain retail electric service contracts.

HB 1303 Author: Menendez | Homer | Geren | Gattis | Pitts
Last Action: 05/04/2009 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to continued health insurance coverage for eligible survivors of certain public servants killed in the line of duty.

HB 1483 Author: Pitts | Kuempel | Geren | Homer | Callegari
Last Action: 03/25/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of eminent domain authority.

HB 1574 Author: Thompson | Pitts | Geren | Alonzo | Gonzales
Sponsor: Gallegos
Last Action: 05/27/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to services for persons with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders and their families.

HCR 12 Author: Kuempel | Geren | Orr
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 03/12/2009 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Texas game warden Teyran "Ty" Patterson of Seguin.

HR 2886 Author: Maldonado | Geren | McClendon | Dunnam | Taylor
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the staff of the housekeeping/grounds and maintenance divisions of the State Preservation Board for their role in preserving the Texas State Capitol.

Texas Legislature Online - Report