Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Aaron Pena
80th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/7/2025

Number of Bills: 42

HB 5 Author: Berman | McReynolds | Flynn | Goolsby | Naishtat
Coauthor: Bohac | Cook, Robby | Crabb | Creighton | Delisi | et al.
Sponsor: Deuell
Last Action: 05/04/2007 E Effective on adoption of const. amendment
Caption: Relating to providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against any resulting loss in local revenue.

HB 6 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Dukes | Cook, Byron
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | et al.
Last Action: 04/19/2007 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the allocation and use of the sporting goods sales tax revenue to fund state and local parks.

HB 14 Author: Keffer, Jim | Rose | Delisi | Morrison | Thompson
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/13/2007 E Effective on adoption of const. amendment
Caption: Relating to reorganizing certain state institutions that provide financing for cancer research, including creating the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, and information about certain cancer treatments; granting authority to issue bonds.

HB 125 Author: Delisi | Corte, Frank | Escobar | Garcia | Haggerty
Coauthor: Aycock | Crabb | Farabee | Gonzalez Toureilles | Guillen | et al.
Sponsor: Van de Putte
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for the children of certain military personnel.

HB 136 Author: Olivo | Raymond | Veasey | Mowery | Dutton
Coauthor: Burnam | Castro | Chavez | Chisum | Coleman | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the promotion of students to certain grade levels in public schools.

HB 137 Author: Olivo | Raymond | Veasey | Dutton
Coauthor: Burnam | Castro | Chavez | Chisum | Coleman | et al.
Last Action: 01/30/2007 H Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the requirements for a high school diploma.

HB 253 Author: Smith, Todd | Goolsby | Callegari | Anchia
Coauthor: Driver | Flynn | Hardcastle | Hill | Jackson, Jim | et al.
Last Action: 04/02/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety and certain local law enforcement agencies to establish a checkpoint on a highway or street to determine whether persons are driving while intoxicated.

HB 284 Author: Driver | King, Phil | Talton | Rose | Riddle
Coauthor: Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | Berman | et al.
Last Action: 03/19/2007 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person.

HB 285 Author: Herrero | Corte, Frank | Escobar | Hilderbran | Turner
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Bailey | et al.
Last Action: 05/02/2007 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to a consumer debt owed by certain military personnel called to active duty.

HB 375 Author: Anchia | Heflin | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Bohac | Frost | Garcia | Gonzales | Gonzalez Toureilles | et al.
Last Action: 04/12/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the development of a state strategy for increasing the availability of low-emission automotive fuels for Texas drivers.

HB 407 Author: Chisum | Naishtat | Crownover | Berman | Truitt
Coauthor: Chavez | Cook, Byron | Gallego | Howard, Donna | Keffer, Jim | et al.
Sponsor: Watson
Last Action: 05/15/2007 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a home-delivered meal grant program in the Department of Agriculture.

HB 461 Author: Miller | Kolkhorst | Hughes | Anderson | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Aycock | Bailey | Berman | Bohac | Bonnen | et al.
Sponsor: Estes
Last Action: 05/23/2007 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to participation in an animal identification system.

HB 667 Author: Van Arsdale | Flynn | Rose | Giddings | McClendon
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Last Action: 02/06/2007 H Referred to Pensions and Investments
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the investment of state funds in certain private business entities doing business in Sudan.

HB 871 Author: Smithee | Paxton | Bonnen
Coauthor: Anderson | Berman | Brown, Fred | Christian | Coleman | et al.
Last Action: 04/03/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax.

HB 1022 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Otto | Martinez Fischer | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anderson | Aycock | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective on adoption of const. amendment
Caption: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of a motor vehicle owned by an individual and used in the course of the owner's occupation or profession and also for personal activities of the owner and to the rendition of such vehicles.

HB 1031 Author: Chisum | Brown, Betty | Callegari
Coauthor: Aycock | Darby | Harless | Orr | Otto | et al.
Last Action: 05/07/2007 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the use of certain voting equipment in certain elections that do not involve a federal office.

HB 1094 Author: Hughes | Rodriguez | Smithee | Laubenberg
Coauthor: Anderson | Berman | Bohac | Bonnen | Brown, Betty | et al.
Last Action: 04/25/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients.

HB 1098 Author: Bonnen | Delisi | Flynn | Howard, Charlie | Keffer, Jim
Coauthor: Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Hegar
Last Action: 05/08/2007 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to immunization against human papillomavirus.

HB 1224 Author: Davis, John | Garcia
Coauthor: Eissler | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Truitt
Last Action: 05/09/2007 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to health benefit plan coverage for enrollees with autism spectrum disorder.

HB 1379 Author: Deshotel | Delisi | Bonnen | Howard, Donna
Coauthor: Brown, Betty | Brown, Fred | Eiland | England | King, Susan | et al.
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 05/11/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to human papillomavirus education programs.

HB 1642 Author: Ortiz, Jr. | Crabb | England | Herrero | Howard, Donna
Coauthor: Davis, John | Deshotel | Farrar | Gonzales | Hernandez | et al.
Last Action: 04/18/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the days on which early voting by personal appearance may begin.

HB 1678 Author: Madden | Turner | Haggerty | McReynolds | Hochberg
Coauthor: Howard, Donna | Pena | Zedler
Sponsor: Whitmire
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the operation of a system of community supervision.

HB 1837 Author: Taylor | Bonnen | Flynn | Gattis | England
Coauthor: Anderson | Berman | Cook, Robby | Darby | Driver | et al.
Last Action: 04/26/2007 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to exempting from ad valorem taxation property used by certain nonprofit community business organizations to provide services to aid in the economic development of local communities.

HB 2006 Author: Woolley | Corte, Frank | Callegari | Cook, Robby | Orr
Coauthor: Aycock | Brown, Betty | Christian | Crabb | England | et al.
Sponsor: Janek
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the use of eminent domain authority.

HB 2017 Author: Giddings | Berman | Crabb | Turner | Martinez Fischer
Coauthor: Alonzo | Chavez | Gonzales | Herrero | Leibowitz | et al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Last Action: 05/23/2007 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the date of the primary election and related procedures.

HB 2061 Author: Keffer, Jim | Deshotel | Hardcastle | Farabee | Branch
Coauthor: Christian | Cook, Byron | Creighton | Flores | Hamilton | et al.
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 03/28/2007 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the acquisition or disclosure of the social security number of a living person by a governmental body, including by a district or county clerk.

HB 2426 Author: Truitt | Cook, Byron | McClendon | Kolkhorst | Flynn
Coauthor: King, Susan | Pena | Villarreal
Sponsor: Deuell
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the practice of nursing and the renaming of the Board of Nurse Examiners as the Texas Board of Nursing.

HB 3370 Author: Thompson | Hughes | Hamilton | Davis, Yvonne | Callegari
Coauthor: Pena | Riddle
Last Action: 05/09/2007 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the offense of trafficking of persons and a report concerning the offense.

HB 3371 Author: Thompson | Hughes | Hamilton | Davis, Yvonne | Callegari
Coauthor: Pena | Riddle
Last Action: 04/17/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for the offense of compelling prostitution.

HB 3372 Author: Thompson | Hughes | Hamilton | Davis, Yvonne | Callegari
Coauthor: Pena | Riddle
Last Action: 04/25/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to training for peace officers relating to the trafficking of persons.

HB 3374 Author: Thompson | Hughes | Hamilton | Davis, Yvonne | Callegari
Coauthor: Pena | Riddle
Last Action: 04/17/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to funding for the investigation and prosecution of offenses involving the trafficking of persons.

HB 4130 Author: Coleman | Dutton
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Burnam | Castro | Chavez | et al.
Last Action: 05/01/2007 H Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the governance of certain state agencies.

HCR 35 Author: Rodriguez | Hardcastle | Rose | Deshotel | Eissler
Coauthor: Coleman | Davis, John | Gonzales | Guillen | Isett, Carl | et al.
Sponsor: Ellis
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging the United States Congress to enact legislation to eliminate the 24-month Medicare waiting period for participants in Social Security Disability Insurance.

HCR 67 Author: Leibowitz | Chisum | Swinford | Heflin | Hardcastle
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | et al.
Sponsor: Seliger
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging Congress to provide further drought relief for Texas.

HJR 1 Author: Berman | McReynolds | Flynn | Goolsby | Naishtat
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Bohac | Burnam | et al.
Last Action: 02/19/2007 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes.

HJR 19 Author: Branch | Solomons | McCall | Goolsby | Garcia
Coauthor: Cook, Robby | Dutton | Eissler | England | Leibowitz | et al.
Sponsor: Carona
Last Action: 05/29/2007 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to require each house of the legislature to take a record vote on final passage of a bill other than certain local bills, of a resolution proposing or ratifying a constitutional amendment, or of any other nonceremonial resolution, and to publish the record vote on the Internet.

HJR 39 Author: Allen, Alma | Giddings | Bohac | Turner | Thompson
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Ellis
Last Action: 05/23/2007 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Post-ratifying Amendment XXIV to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting the denial or abridgment of the right to vote for failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

HJR 44 Author: Branch | Paxton | Anderson | Raymond | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Aycock | Berman | Bohac | Bonnen | Brown, Betty | et al.
Last Action: 05/07/2007 H Failed of adoption
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring any increase in a franchise tax rate to be approved by three-fourths of all the members elected to each house of the legislature.

HJR 54 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Otto | Martinez Fischer | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anderson | Aycock | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 05/29/2007 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation one motor vehicle owned by an individual and used in the course of the owner's occupation or profession and also for personal activities of the owner.

HJR 59 Author: Elkins | Bailey | Bonnen | Leibowitz | Callegari
Coauthor: Anchia | Berman | Bohac | Brown, Fred | Burnam | et al.
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 04/30/2007 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to override a veto of the governor following a legislative session.

HJR 90 Author: Keffer, Jim | Rose | Delisi | Morrison | Thompson
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 05/29/2007 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of scientific research of all forms of human cancer.

HR 2182 Author: Escobar | Gonzales | Martinez, "Mando" | Flores | Oliveira
Coauthor: Guillen | Lucio III | Moreno, Paul | Ortiz, Jr. | Pena
Last Action: 05/17/2007 H Referred to Defense Affairs & State-Fed Rel
Caption: Urging Congress to support the construction of a veterans hospital in the Rio Grande Valley.

Texas Legislature Online - Report