Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Paul Moreno
80th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/8/2025

Number of Bills: 8

HB 285 Author: Herrero | Corte, Frank | Escobar | Hilderbran | Turner
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Bailey | et al.
Last Action: 05/02/2007 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to a consumer debt owed by certain military personnel called to active duty.

HB 1094 Author: Hughes | Rodriguez | Smithee | Laubenberg
Coauthor: Anderson | Berman | Bohac | Bonnen | Brown, Betty | et al.
Last Action: 04/25/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients.

HB 2772 Author: Kolkhorst | Chisum | Woolley | Harper-Brown | Coleman
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | Berman | et al.
Last Action: 03/14/2007 H Referred to Transportation
Caption: Relating to a moratorium on the inclusion of certain provisions in a comprehensive development agreement or the sale of a toll project and to the creation and duties of a study committee.

HB 3819 Author: Merritt
Coauthor: Berman | Chavez | Frost | Gallego | Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 04/16/2007 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operations, and financing of a border region high-speed rail authority for the Texas-Louisiana and the Texas-Mexico border regions; granting the power to issue bonds; imposing a tax.

HCR 67 Author: Leibowitz | Chisum | Swinford | Heflin | Hardcastle
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | et al.
Sponsor: Seliger
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging Congress to provide further drought relief for Texas.

HCR 281 Author: Gonzalez Toureilles | Alonzo | Escobar
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Burnam | Castro | Cohen | Farrar | et al.
Last Action: 05/26/2007 H Filed
Caption: Requesting that Congress and the Texas Legislature adopt the terms "undocumented worker, person, or immigrant" as replacements to the term "illegal alien" in official discourse.

HJR 39 Author: Allen, Alma | Giddings | Bohac | Turner | Thompson
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Ellis
Last Action: 05/23/2007 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Post-ratifying Amendment XXIV to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting the denial or abridgment of the right to vote for failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

HR 2182 Author: Escobar | Gonzales | Martinez, "Mando" | Flores | Oliveira
Coauthor: Guillen | Lucio III | Moreno, Paul | Ortiz, Jr. | Pena
Last Action: 05/17/2007 H Referred to Defense Affairs & State-Fed Rel
Caption: Urging Congress to support the construction of a veterans hospital in the Rio Grande Valley.

Texas Legislature Online - Report