Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Terri Hodge
80th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/6/2025

Number of Bills: 18

HB 6 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Dukes | Cook, Byron
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | et al.
Last Action: 04/19/2007 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the allocation and use of the sporting goods sales tax revenue to fund state and local parks.

HB 10 Author: Chavez | Pena | Castro | Haggerty
Coauthor: Hodge
Last Action: 05/04/2007 H Failed to pass to engrossment
Caption: Relating to certain gaming activity conducted by an Indian tribe or tribal organization.

HB 14 Author: Keffer, Jim | Rose | Delisi | Morrison | Thompson
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/13/2007 E Effective on adoption of const. amendment
Caption: Relating to reorganizing certain state institutions that provide financing for cancer research, including creating the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, and information about certain cancer treatments; granting authority to issue bonds.

HB 109 Author: Turner | Davis, John | Dukes | England | Pena
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Bailey | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Averitt | Van de Putte
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to eligibility for and information regarding the child health plan program.

HB 285 Author: Herrero | Corte, Frank | Escobar | Hilderbran | Turner
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Bailey | et al.
Last Action: 05/02/2007 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to a consumer debt owed by certain military personnel called to active duty.

HB 551 Author: Turner | Bonnen | Giddings | Bohac | Homer
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Anchia | Anderson | Bailey | Brown, Fred | et al.
Last Action: 05/01/2007 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to the system benefit fund and to eligibility for and enrollment for benefits provided under the system benefit fund programs.

HB 667 Author: Van Arsdale | Flynn | Rose | Giddings | McClendon
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Last Action: 02/06/2007 H Referred to Pensions and Investments
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the investment of state funds in certain private business entities doing business in Sudan.

HB 1022 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Otto | Martinez Fischer | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anderson | Aycock | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Effective on adoption of const. amendment
Caption: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of a motor vehicle owned by an individual and used in the course of the owner's occupation or profession and also for personal activities of the owner and to the rendition of such vehicles.

HB 1105 Author: McClendon | Truitt | Pena | Otto | Kolkhorst
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Anderson | Aycock | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Last Action: 04/19/2007 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, including a one-time supplemental annuity payment.

HB 2187 Author: Hartnett | Branch | Geren | Goolsby | Laubenberg
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anchia | Crownover | Driver | England | et al.
Last Action: 05/02/2007 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the development, management, and preservation of the water resources of the state.

HB 2704 Author: Woolley | Cook, Byron | Turner | Thompson | Hardcastle
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | Bolton | et al.
Last Action: 04/12/2007 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the use of human cells and tissue, including a ban on human cloning; providing penalties.

HB 4130 Author: Coleman | Dutton
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Burnam | Castro | Chavez | et al.
Last Action: 05/01/2007 H Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the governance of certain state agencies.

HCR 26 Author: Gallego | Puente | Martinez Fischer | Menendez | Castro
Coauthor: Anchia | Bolton | Chisum | Craddick | Dukes | et al.
Sponsor: Lucio
Last Action: 05/04/2007 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of the Honorable Frank Madla of San Antonio.

HCR 67 Author: Leibowitz | Chisum | Swinford | Heflin | Hardcastle
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | et al.
Sponsor: Seliger
Last Action: 06/15/2007 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging Congress to provide further drought relief for Texas.

HJR 39 Author: Allen, Alma | Giddings | Bohac | Turner | Thompson
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anchia | Anderson | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Ellis
Last Action: 05/23/2007 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Post-ratifying Amendment XXIV to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting the denial or abridgment of the right to vote for failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

HJR 54 Author: Hilderbran | Keffer, Jim | Otto | Martinez Fischer | Cook, Robby
Coauthor: Alonzo | Anderson | Aycock | Berman | Bohac | et al.
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 05/29/2007 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation one motor vehicle owned by an individual and used in the course of the owner's occupation or profession and also for personal activities of the owner.

HJR 59 Author: Elkins | Bailey | Bonnen | Leibowitz | Callegari
Coauthor: Anchia | Berman | Bohac | Brown, Fred | Burnam | et al.
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 04/30/2007 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to override a veto of the governor following a legislative session.

HJR 90 Author: Keffer, Jim | Rose | Delisi | Morrison | Thompson
Coauthor: Allen, Alma | Alonzo | Anchia | Aycock | Bailey | et al.
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 05/29/2007 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of scientific research of all forms of human cancer.

Texas Legislature Online - Report