HB 235 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 02/12/2007 H Referred to Ways & Means | |
Caption: | Relating to the ad valorem taxation of certain property used to provide low-income or moderate-income housing. |
HB 858 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 02/08/2007 H Referred to State Affairs | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of a peace officer to inquire into the immigration status of certain persons. |
HB 859 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/27/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the preservation of fetal tissue by a physician performing an abortion on a person who is younger than 14 years of age; creating an offense. |
HB 938 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/17/2007 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the eligibility for appointment as a volunteer deputy voter registrar. |
HB 1055 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 02/12/2007 H Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures | |
Caption: | Relating to the licensure of certain attorneys licensed to practice law in other jurisdictions to practice law in Texas. |
HB 1203 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/01/2007 H Considered in Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the prosecution of the offense of interference with child custody. |
HB 1811 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 02/27/2007 H Referred to Public Education | |
Caption: | Relating to requiring public school teachers to recite pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. |
HB 1812 | Author: | Talton | Murphy |
Last Action: | 05/10/2007 H Returned to committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the punishment of the offense of aggravated assault. |
HB 1813 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/03/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to requiring that members of the governing board of certain metropolitan rapid transit authorities be elected officials. |
HB 2301 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/03/2007 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of certain special districts to establish differences in rates between customer classes. |
HB 2302 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 03/08/2007 H Referred to Transportation | |
Caption: | Relating to nonrepairable and salvage motor vehicles. |
HB 2303 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/10/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to issuance of a buyer's identification card for purchase of nonrepairable and salvage motor vehicles. |
HB 2304 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/24/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to taking or attempting to take a weapon from an employee or official of a correctional facility that is operated by a county or municipality. |
HB 2305 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 03/27/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the availability under the public information law of certain documents filed with a county clerk or a district clerk. |
HB 2306 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/04/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to certain requirements for the issuance and renewal of a salvage vehicle dealer license. |
HB 2307 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/24/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of the offense of unauthorized use of an emergency communications device. |
HB 2942 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/25/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the qualification date for a residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation. |
HB 2943 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/11/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to mandatory conditions of community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision concerning certain searches. |
HB 2952 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/24/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the eligibility of persons convicted of certain offenses to possess or carry certain firearms. |
HB 3164 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/11/2007 H No action taken in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the use of testimony of certain expert witnesses as evidence in criminal and civil proceedings. |
HB 3172 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/10/2007 H Subcommittee members named | |
Caption: | Relating to limits on the appropriations by the Legislature. |
HB 3609 | Author: | Talton |
Sponsor: | Ellis | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Relating to membership and service credit in the Employees Retirement System of Texas for certain employees. |
HB 4080 | Author: | Talton |
Sponsor: | Jackson, Mike | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 509; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain. |
HCR 212 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/15/2007 S Referred to Government Organization | |
Caption: | Directing that the state flag be displayed at half-staff on Peace Officers' Memorial Day and calling for the observance of National Police Week in Texas. |
HCR 236 | Author: | Talton |
Sponsor: | Whitmire | |
Last Action: | 05/21/2007 E Signed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Honoring fallen police officers on Peace Officers' Memorial Day and during National Police Week. |
HR 255 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 03/05/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 5 2007 8:00AM | |
Caption: | Honoring the Battleship Texas Foundation for its efforts to preserve and restore the Battleship Texas. |
HR 616 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 03/01/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 1 2007 8:00AM | |
Caption: | Commending Private First Class Michael Fletcher for his brave and steadfast service in Iraq. |
HR 1277 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/16/2007 H Reported enrolled: Apr 16 2007 12:08PM | |
Caption: | Commending Texas Chiropractic College for its contribution to chiropractic education in Texas. |
HR 1399 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/16/2007 H Referred to Rules & Resolutions | |
Caption: | Amending the Permanent Rules of the House of Representatives to modify the system of calendars. |
HR 1805 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/07/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 7 2007 1:55PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Jessica Zenker and her sixth-grade class at YES Prep Southeast School in Houston for their efforts in behalf of Kemp's ridley sea turtles. |
HR 1845 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/02/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 2 2007 6:57PM | |
Caption: | Commending Denton McDugle for his 18 years of service on the Deer Park City Council. |
HR 1881 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/21/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 21 2007 1:19PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Pastor Edward Bryan Morrison of Deer Park on his retirement. |
HR 2913 | Author: | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 3609. |
HB 284 | Author: | Driver | King, Phil | Talton | Rose | Riddle |
Last Action: | 03/19/2007 H Laid on the table subject to call | |
Caption: | Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. |
HB 2686 | Author: | Haggerty | Jones, Delwin | Talton | Merritt |
Last Action: | 03/26/2007 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | |
Caption: | Relating to conservatorship of the Texas Youth Commission. |
HR 475 | Author: | Davis, John | Taylor | Talton | Noriega, Rick |
Last Action: | 02/26/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 26 2007 2:19PM | |
Caption: | Commending the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on its outstanding accomplishments. |
HR 1507 | Author: | Dunnam | Guillen | Pitts | Cook, Robby | Talton |
Last Action: | 04/20/2007 H Reported enrolled: Apr 20 2007 1:17PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Corporal Ronald Stanfield and Troopers Cynthia Sparks and Thomas M. Harris of the Texas Department of Public Safety for saving the life of a legislative employee. |
HR 1999 | Author: | Jackson, Jim | Smith, Wayne | Talton |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Larry and Linda Cernosek of Deer Park on their 30th wedding anniversary. |