Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
84th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/15/2025

Number of Bills: 64

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (29):
HB 1220 Author: Laubenberg | Turner, Scott
Last Action: 03/04/2015 H Referred to Public Health: Mar 4 2015 5:45PM
Caption: Relating to a property right in certain DNA samples; providing injunctive relief and a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

HB 1623 Author: Laubenberg | Burkett | Coleman | Guerra | Bonnen, Greg
Last Action: 05/11/2015 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the reimbursement of providers for the provision of certain home telemonitoring services under Medicaid.

HB 1822 Author: Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen | Leach | Sanford
Last Action: 03/12/2015 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 12 2015 11:50AM
Caption: Relating to the creation of two family district courts in Collin County.

HB 1878 Author: Laubenberg | Coleman | Guerra | Bonnen, Greg | Giddings
Sponsor: Taylor, Van
Last Action: 06/16/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to the provision of telemedicine medical services in a school-based setting, including the reimbursement of providers under the Medicaid program for those services.

HB 1880 Author: Laubenberg | Keough | White, Molly
Last Action: 05/12/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies.

HB 1983 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/08/2015 H No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to limitations on the capture or possession of a biometric identifier by a governmental body.

HB 2081 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/12/2015 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the physician assistant board.

HB 2082 Author: Laubenberg | Coleman | Guerra | Bonnen, Greg | Fallon
Last Action: 05/18/2015 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to developing a program to provide telemedicine medical services to certain children.

HB 2762 Author: Laubenberg | Leach | Shaheen | Turner, Scott
Last Action: 05/12/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to certain petitions prescribed by law outside the Election Code.

HB 3005 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/04/2015 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the deadlines for certain processes and procedures involving an election.

HB 3443 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/12/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to a written policy of certain state agencies on the collection and possible sale of an individual's personal information.

HB 3444 Author: Laubenberg | Rodriguez, Eddie
Last Action: 03/18/2015 H Referred to Public Health: Mar 18 2015 3:52PM
Caption: Relating to the provision of telemedicine medical services by a physician.

HB 3445 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/28/2015 H No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to implementing certain incentives and cost-sharing requirements under the Medicaid program.

HB 3446 Author: Laubenberg | Burkett
Last Action: 05/13/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to signs required to be displayed at certain facilities that perform abortions.

HB 3447 Author: Laubenberg | White, Molly
Last Action: 03/18/2015 H Referred to State Affairs: Mar 18 2015 3:52PM
Caption: Relating to the minimum standards applicable to an abortion facility.

HB 3450 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/28/2015 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, emissions, state sovereignty and certain actions taken by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

HB 3765 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/15/2015 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to consent to an abortion on a minor.

HB 4003 Author: Laubenberg
Sponsor: Taylor, Van
Last Action: 06/16/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to the redaction of personally identifiable information of victims from juvenile court records.

HB 4005 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/23/2015 H Referred to Ways & Means: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM
Caption: Relating to the collection, administration, and enforcement of state taxes and fees.

HB 4006 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or shared services arrangement terminate or refuse to hire an employee or applicant convicted of certain offenses.

HB 4151 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/27/2015 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the creation of an additional county court at law in Collin County.

HJR 132 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/24/2015 H Referred to Insurance: Mar 24 2015 6:06PM
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing certain payment for health care services and prohibiting requiring participation in a mandatory health care system.

HR 418 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 6:59PM
Caption: Recognizing Genc Mulliqi as an honorary Texan.

HR 650 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 2 2015 12:10PM
Caption: Recognizing pregnancy resource centers for the services they provide to women facing unexpected pregnancy.

HR 754 Author: Laubenberg | Shaheen | Turner, Scott | Leach | Sanford
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 9 2015 9:29AM
Caption: Recognizing March 2 and 3, 2015, as Collin County Days at the State Capitol.

HR 790 Author: Laubenberg | Turner, Scott
Last Action: 03/06/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 6 2015 6:49PM
Caption: Recognizing March 3 and 4, 2015, as Wylie Days at the State Capitol.

HR 1677 Author: Laubenberg | Leach | Shaheen | Fallon
Last Action: 04/30/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 30 2015 8:01AM
Caption: Recognizing March 31 and April 1, 2015, as Plano Legislative Days at the State Capitol.

HR 1951 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/20/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 20 2015 7:48PM
Caption: Commemorating the 50th wedding anniversary of Don and Mary Anne Seale of Parker.

HR 2530 Author: Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/21/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 21 2015 4:06PM
Caption: Commending Rodeo Dental and Orthodontics for offering pro bono orthodontic care to youths.

Joint Author (35):
HB 98 Author: Flynn | King, Phil | Simmons | Bell | Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/21/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the Texas Balance of Powers Act.

HB 134 Author: Simpson | Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/04/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain information included with ballot propositions for elections to authorize state and local general obligation bonds.

HB 203 Author: Leach | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/19/2015 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the allocation of revenue derived from the taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of new and used motor vehicle tires and parts to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue.

HB 205 Author: Leach | Huberty | Bohac | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to the provision of human sexuality and family planning instruction in public schools.

HB 234 Author: Farrar | Laubenberg | Villalba
Last Action: 05/19/2015 S Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to certain costs associated with certain court proceedings for cruelly treated animals; authorizing fees and costs.

HB 258 Author: Miles | Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/12/2015 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration application.

HB 562 Author: Leach | White, James | Bohac | Murr | Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/14/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the application of foreign laws and foreign forum selection in a proceeding involving marriage, a suit for dissolution of a marriage, or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship in this state.

HB 764 Author: King, Susan | Laubenberg | Simpson | Miller, Rick | Collier
Sponsor: Rodríguez
Last Action: 06/09/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to the use, collection, and security of health care data collected by the Department of State Health Services.

HB 913 Author: Israel | Thompson, Senfronia | Minjarez | Laubenberg | Gutierrez
Last Action: 05/19/2015 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the requirements pertaining to a ballot to be voted by mail and materials accompanying the official carrier envelope.

HB 1096 Author: Murphy | Laubenberg | King, Phil | Parker | Schofield
Sponsor: Bettencourt
Last Action: 05/24/2015 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the residence address of a person for purposes of a response to a confirmation notice sent by the registrar.

HB 1196 Author: Turner, Scott | Zerwas | Laubenberg | Murphy | Lucio III
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Higher Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a student's postsecondary transcript include the average or median grade awarded in each class.

HB 1384 Author: Davis, Sarah | Laubenberg | Peña | Raney | Muñoz, Jr.
Last Action: 05/14/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs.

HB 1648 Author: White, Molly | Klick | Fletcher | Flynn | Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/29/2015 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to voluntary and informed consent to an abortion and prevention of coerced abortions; providing penalties; creating an offense.

HB 1653 Author: Rodriguez, Eddie | Parker | Laubenberg | Simmons | Anderson, Charles "Doc"
Last Action: 04/13/2015 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the ownership or operation of a motor vehicle dealership by certain manufacturers or distributors.

HB 1901 Author: Krause | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/11/2015 H Referred to State Affairs: Mar 11 2015 6:14PM
Caption: Relating to the withdrawal or withholding of life-sustaining treatment from a pregnant patient.

HB 1911 Author: Leach | Smithee | Shaheen | White, James | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/11/2015 H Referred to Urban Affairs: Mar 11 2015 6:14PM
Caption: Relating to regulation of discrimination by political subdivisions and certain state agencies.

HB 1927 Author: Bonnen, Greg | Faircloth | Laubenberg | Fallon | Guillen
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 06/19/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to the procedures for applying for a ballot to be voted by mail; creating a criminal offense.

HB 2027 Author: Bonnen, Greg | Faircloth | Laubenberg | Fallon | Villalba
Sponsor: Hancock
Last Action: 06/16/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to establishing precincts for elections held on a uniform election date by certain political subdivisions.

HB 2095 Author: Sanford | Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/13/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to undertake a qualified hotel project.

HB 2562 Author: Sheets | Laubenberg | Farrar | Crownover | Thompson, Senfronia
Last Action: 05/13/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the care and unlawful restraint of a dog.

HB 3179 Author: Leach | Sanford | Shaheen | Turner, Scott | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/23/2015 H Referred to Transportation: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM
Caption: Relating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the alignment for the proposed Regional Outer Loop project in certain counties.

HB 3519 Author: Guerra | Zerwas | Laubenberg | Lucio III | Sheffield
Sponsor: Watson
Last Action: 06/19/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to reimbursement for home telemonitoring services under Medicaid.

HB 3522 Author: Longoria | Laubenberg | Flynn
Last Action: 05/21/2015 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to photo identification requirements for certain stored value card purchases.

HB 3582 Author: Turner, Scott | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/20/2015 H Referred to Public Health: Mar 20 2015 1:41PM
Caption: Relating to a property right in certain genetic information.

HB 3583 Author: Miller, Rick | Laubenberg
Last Action: 03/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM
Caption: Relating to a pilot program in certain school districts exempting those districts from administering standard assessment instruments and authorizing alternative assessment instruments.

HCR 36 Author: Burkett | Flynn | Geren | Laubenberg | Parker
Last Action: 05/26/2015 S Received from the House
Caption: Urging Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

HJR 16 Author: Rinaldi | Laubenberg | Murphy | Bonnen, Greg | Bohac
Last Action: 03/24/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 24 2015 6:06PM
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the exclusive legislative duty to support and maintain an efficient system of public schools.

HJR 32 Author: Flynn | Leach | Parker | Laubenberg | King, Phil
Last Action: 04/16/2015 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a court of this state to uphold and apply certain laws, including the doctrine requiring courts to refrain from involvement in religious doctrinal interpretation or application.

HR 122 Author: Leach | Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen | Sanford
Last Action: 02/20/2015 H Reported enrolled: Feb 20 2015 7:49PM
Caption: Congratulating the Allen High School football team on winning the 2014 UIL 6A Division 1 state championship.

HR 163 Author: Harless | Howard | Crownover | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/05/2015 H Reported enrolled: Feb 5 2015 11:47AM
Caption: Recognizing February 6, 2015, as National Wear Red Day.

HR 246 Author: Sanford | Laubenberg
Last Action: 04/20/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 20 2015 9:18AM
Caption: Honoring Dr. Cary Israel on the occasion of his retirement as president of Collin College.

HR 1136 Author: Leach | Laubenberg | Sanford | Turner, Scott | Shaheen
Last Action: 03/24/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 24 2015 2:21PM
Caption: Honoring United States Congressman Sam Johnson on the 42nd anniversary of his homecoming from Vietnam.

HR 1840 Author: Leach | Simmons | Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen
Last Action: 04/22/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 22 2015 3:59PM
Caption: Welcoming students from the Prestonwood Christian Academy Upper School to the State Capitol.

HR 2757 Author: Rinaldi | Villalba | Button | Sheets | Laubenberg
Last Action: 05/22/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 22 2015 2:30PM
Caption: In memory of Janine Foster Woody of Dallas.

HR 2948 Author: Button | Koop | Leach | Laubenberg
Last Action: 06/01/2015 H Reported enrolled: Jun 1 2015 1:42PM
Caption: Commending Dr. David E. Daniel on his service as president of The University of Texas at Dallas and congratulating him on his appointment as deputy chancellor and chief operating officer of The University of Texas System.

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