HB 201 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/12/2015 H Referred to Natural Resources: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on an application for a water right. |
HB 202 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/18/2015 H Referred to Transportation: Mar 18 2015 6:21PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. |
HB 203 | Author: | Leach | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 03/19/2015 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the allocation of revenue derived from the taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of new and used motor vehicle tires and parts to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. |
HB 204 | Author: | Leach | Villalba | Howard |
Last Action: | 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the first day of instruction at a public school. |
HB 205 | Author: | Leach | Huberty | Bohac | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the provision of human sexuality and family planning instruction in public schools. |
HB 206 | Author: | Leach | Keffer | King, Phil | Ashby | Springer |
Last Action: | 04/07/2015 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period. |
HB 207 | Author: | Leach | Canales | Shaheen | Moody | Simpson |
Sponsor: | Whitmire | |
Last Action: | 06/17/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15 | |
Caption: | Relating to creating the offense of voyeurism; providing a penalty. |
HB 208 | Author: | Leach | Turner, Scott |
Last Action: | 05/04/2015 H Considered in Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the applicability of project design and construction requirements to economic development corporations created by governmental entities subject to those requirements. |
HB 241 | Author: | Leach | Sheets |
Last Action: | 04/27/2015 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to substituted service of citation through a social media presence. |
HB 248 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/11/2015 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the state's burden of proof in a criminal asset forfeiture proceeding. |
HB 249 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/18/2015 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
Caption: | Relating to the reporting of proceeds and property forfeited under criminal asset forfeiture proceedings. |
HB 250 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/11/2015 H Referred to Ways & Means: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the phaseout and repeal of the franchise tax; lowering the rates of the tax. |
HB 290 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/11/2015 H Referred to Appropriations: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. |
HB 485 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/12/2015 H Referred to Elections: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the availability on the Internet of personal financial statements filed by certain state officeholders. |
HB 562 | Author: | Leach | White, James | Bohac | Murr | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 05/14/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the application of foreign laws and foreign forum selection in a proceeding involving marriage, a suit for dissolution of a marriage, or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship in this state. |
HB 869 | Author: | Leach | Price | Zerwas |
Last Action: | 04/24/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth. |
HB 922 | Author: | Leach | White, James |
Last Action: | 02/25/2015 H Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety: Feb 25 2015 11:46AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; creating an offense; providing penalties. |
HB 1030 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/02/2015 H Referred to Environmental Regulation: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM | |
Caption: | Relating to money used by counties for the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program and local initiative air quality projects. |
HB 1031 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/20/2015 H Withdrawn from schedule | |
Caption: | Relating to funding for certain roadway projects intended to improve or maintain air quality. |
HB 1033 | Author: | Leach | Howard |
Last Action: | 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the placement of video cameras in self-contained classrooms providing special education services. |
HB 1194 | Author: | Leach | Button | Koop |
Last Action: | 03/03/2015 H Referred to Higher Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM | |
Caption: | Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for capital projects at The University of Texas at Dallas. |
HB 1404 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 5:22PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of a committee to evaluate special education services in public schools. |
HB 1405 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/28/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the availability on the Internet of reports of political contributions or expenditures filed in connection with certain offices. |
HB 1664 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of a school district to excuse from school attendance a student who is exempt from a final examination. |
HB 1911 | Author: | Leach | Smithee | Shaheen | White, James | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 03/11/2015 H Referred to Urban Affairs: Mar 11 2015 6:14PM | |
Caption: | Relating to regulation of discrimination by political subdivisions and certain state agencies. |
HB 2183 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 17 2015 11:11AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the adoption of the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. |
HB 2234 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/01/2015 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of a district clerk to post official and legal notices by electronic display. |
HB 2307 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Referred to Appropriations: Mar 17 2015 6:30PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the allocation of certain surplus state revenue for periodic reductions in the state sales tax rate. |
HB 2310 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/29/2015 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to electronic requests made to certain local governments for information under or regarding the open records law. |
HB 2489 | Author: | Leach |
Sponsor: | Eltife | |
Last Action: | 06/19/2015 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to regulation by a property owners' association of residential leases or rental agreements. |
HB 2596 | Author: | Leach | Dale |
Last Action: | 05/18/2015 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
Caption: | Relating to the date by which certain protective order information must be entered by a local law enforcement agency into the statewide law enforcement information system. |
HB 2887 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/16/2015 H Referred to Natural Resources: Mar 16 2015 4:36PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the definition of a "Navigable stream". |
HB 3179 | Author: | Leach | Sanford | Shaheen | Turner, Scott | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Referred to Transportation: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM | |
Caption: | Relating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the alignment for the proposed Regional Outer Loop project in certain counties. |
HB 3403 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 17 2015 6:30PM | |
Caption: | Relating to public school curriculum and textbooks. |
HB 3730 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/24/2015 H Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues: Mar 24 2015 6:06PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of a committee to study adoption practices in this state. |
HB 3731 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/01/2015 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to certain notices and information about certain releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice that are provided to or made accessible to criminal justice agencies. |
HB 3849 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 23 2015 1:07PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the liability of a person granting access to a gated community to a process server. |
HJR 45 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 02/26/2015 H Referred to Appropriations: Feb 26 2015 4:54PM | |
Caption: | Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund. |
HR 122 | Author: | Leach | Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen | Sanford |
Last Action: | 02/20/2015 H Reported enrolled: Feb 20 2015 7:49PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating the Allen High School football team on winning the 2014 UIL 6A Division 1 state championship. |
HR 455 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 7:01PM | |
Caption: | Commending the 2014-2015 Student Leadership Advisory Council of House District 67. |
HR 534 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:50PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Mike Brodie on his receipt of the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Realtors. |
HR 535 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:49PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Charles Christian for his service as House District 67 Republican Party caucus chair. |
HR 536 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:48PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Ken Gagliano for his service as House District 67 Republican Party caucus chair. |
HR 537 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:47PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Richard Matkin on his retirement as superintendent of the Plano Independent School District. |
HR 538 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:45PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing the African American Republican Club of Collin County for its civic engagement. |
HR 549 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:15PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing CASA of Collin County for its service to area children in need. |
HR 550 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:14PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing the Golden Corridor Republican Women. |
HR 552 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/19/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 19 2015 7:47AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing Plano Republican Women for civic engagement. |
HR 569 | Author: | Leach | Hughes | Parker | Turner, Scott |
Last Action: | 03/06/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 6 2015 6:40PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing the 2015 Bob Bullock Scholars of Baylor University and commending all those associated with the program for their contributions to this state's governmental process. |
HR 570 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 8:52PM | |
Caption: | Honoring the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center for its commitment to protecting children. |
HR 571 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/17/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 17 2015 7:38PM | |
Caption: | Commending Al Valente for his dedicated service as chair of the executive board of the Plano Chamber of Commerce. |
HR 676 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 23 2015 8:48AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Neal Katz for his service as executive director of the Collin County Republican Party. |
HR 677 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 23 2015 8:45AM | |
Caption: | Congratulating George Flint on his election as chair of the Collin County GOP. |
HR 679 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 23 2015 8:47AM | |
Caption: | Honoring the Conner Harrington Republican Women of Plano for their contributions to the community. |
HR 869 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 23 2015 8:43AM | |
Caption: | Honoring the International Franchise Association. |
HR 870 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/23/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 23 2015 8:46AM | |
Caption: | Honoring members of the Collin County Conservative Republicans for their civic engagement. |
HR 871 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 03/24/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 24 2015 3:51PM | |
Caption: | Honoring members of the Collin County Young Republicans for their civic engagement. |
HR 895 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 06/04/2015 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2015 9:58AM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Collin County Sheriff Terry Box on his upcoming 2016 retirement. |
HR 1136 | Author: | Leach | Laubenberg | Sanford | Turner, Scott | Shaheen |
Last Action: | 03/24/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 24 2015 2:21PM | |
Caption: | Honoring United States Congressman Sam Johnson on the 42nd anniversary of his homecoming from Vietnam. |
HR 1325 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/15/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 15 2015 3:06PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Mike Hughes on his retirement as athletic director and head football coach at Plano West High School. |
HR 1549 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/22/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 22 2015 9:25AM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Dr. Brian Binggeli on his selection as superintendent of the Plano Independent School District. |
HR 1652 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/23/2015 H Withdrawn from calendar | |
Caption: | Congratulating the Plano West High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2015 UIL 6A state championship. |
HR 1837 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/11/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 11 2015 4:09PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Captain Christopher D. Fox of Plano on his retirement from the U.S. Navy. |
HR 1839 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/11/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 11 2015 6:27PM | |
Caption: | In memory of Todd Andersen of Fulshear. |
HR 1840 | Author: | Leach | Simmons | Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen |
Last Action: | 04/22/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 22 2015 3:59PM | |
Caption: | Welcoming students from the Prestonwood Christian Academy Upper School to the State Capitol. |
HR 1962 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/25/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 25 2015 12:13PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing Richardson Republican Women. |
HR 2228 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/26/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 26 2015 8:44AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Jim Dunlap of Dallas. |
HR 2660 | Author: | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/26/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 26 2015 3:26PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Laura Bennett of Plano on her 100th birthday. |
HB 48 | Author: | McClendon | Leach | Herrero | Moody | Simpson |
Sponsor: | Ellis | |
Last Action: | 06/01/2015 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of a commission to review convictions after exoneration and to prevent wrongful convictions. |
HB 77 | Author: | González, Mary | Anchia | Leach | Rose | Villalba |
Sponsor: | West | |
Last Action: | 06/19/2015 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to a study of the Dallas Men Against Abuse program and other activities in the Dallas community addressing family violence. |
HB 94 | Author: | González, Mary | Leach | Romero, Jr. | Bernal |
Last Action: | 05/20/2015 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | |
Caption: | Relating to a database of employers penalized for failure to pay wages or convicted of certain offenses involving wage theft. |
HB 95 | Author: | Fletcher | Villalba | Flynn | Moody | Leach |
Last Action: | 04/08/2015 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the exclusion of certain witnesses during a criminal proceeding. |
HB 102 | Author: | Fletcher | Anderson, Rodney | Burkett | Davis, Yvonne | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/08/2015 H Laid on the table subject to call | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of the offense of cargo theft. |
HB 164 | Author: | White, James | Leach | Guillen | Bohac | Phelan |
Last Action: | 02/09/2015 H Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM | |
Caption: | Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties. |
HB 278 | Author: | Ashby | Leach | Moody |
Last Action: | 05/13/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to authorizing certain attorneys representing the state to openly carry a handgun. |
HB 347 | Author: | Dutton | Frank | Leach | Villalba | Huberty |
Last Action: | 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM | |
Caption: | Relating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee. |
HB 603 | Author: | Davis, Sarah | Springer | Leach | Guillen |
Sponsor: | Garcia | |
Last Action: | 05/30/2015 H Senate appoints conferees-reported | |
Caption: | Relating to civil and criminal liability for the unlawful disclosure or promotion of certain intimate visual material; creating an offense. |
HB 635 | Author: | Price | Leach | Flynn | Burkett | Zerwas |
Sponsor: | Nelson | |
Last Action: | 06/09/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15 | |
Caption: | Relating to the disposition of fetal remains. |
HB 670 | Author: | Flynn | Bohac | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/14/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the application of foreign laws and foreign forum selection in this state. |
HB 712 | Author: | Springer | Leach | Ashby | Darby | Capriglione |
Last Action: | 04/07/2015 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for Firearms and Firearm supplies for a limited period. |
HB 794 | Author: | Springer | Moody | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/12/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to a presumption regarding certain evidence of a prior conviction in a criminal proceeding. |
HB 1208 | Author: | Bell | Leach | Simmons | Kacal | Romero, Jr. |
Last Action: | 05/04/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to lender notice of default to contractors regarding certain construction loans or financing agreements for the improvement of real property and related procedures for suspending contractors' and subcontractors' performance. |
HB 1318 | Author: | Button | Johnson, Eric | Springer | Anderson, Charles "Doc" | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/13/2015 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | |
Caption: | Relating to the eligibility of presidential general election debates for distributions from a Major Events trust fund. |
HB 1410 | Author: | Miles | Walle | Gutierrez | Leach | Nevárez |
Last Action: | 03/25/2015 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to consideration of a bidder's principal place of business by public junior college districts in awarding certain contracts. |
HB 1822 | Author: | Laubenberg | Turner, Scott | Shaheen | Leach | Sanford |
Last Action: | 03/12/2015 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 12 2015 11:50AM | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of two family district courts in Collin County. |
HB 1966 | Author: | Keffer | Leach | Workman | Deshotel |
Last Action: | 05/12/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to an account or bond for construction retainage under certain contracts. |
HB 2049 | Author: | Darby | Longoria | Paul | Leach |
Sponsor: | Eltife | |
Last Action: | 06/17/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15 | |
Caption: | Relating to indemnification and duties of engineers and architects under certain governmental contracts. |
HB 2565 | Author: | Krause | Moody | Leach | Canales |
Last Action: | 05/14/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation of a commission to review certain penal laws of this state. |
HB 2612 | Author: | Pickett | Leach |
Sponsor: | Hall | |
Last Action: | 06/03/2015 E Effective on 9/1/15 | |
Caption: | Relating to a report to the legislature regarding the elimination of toll roads. |
HB 2762 | Author: | Laubenberg | Leach | Shaheen | Turner, Scott |
Last Action: | 05/12/2015 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to certain petitions prescribed by law outside the Election Code. |
HB 3936 | Author: | Herrero | Thompson, Senfronia | Murphy | Villalba | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/07/2015 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the eligibility of criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information; authorizing a fee. |
HB 3977 | Author: | Dukes | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/18/2015 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
Caption: | Relating to increasing the penalty for causing injury to a child; changing the eligibility for community supervision. |
HJR 32 | Author: | Flynn | Leach | Parker | Laubenberg | King, Phil |
Last Action: | 04/16/2015 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | |
Caption: | Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a court of this state to uphold and apply certain laws, including the doctrine requiring courts to refrain from involvement in religious doctrinal interpretation or application. |
HR 2 | Author: | Hunter | Hughes | Aycock | Leach | Martinez Fischer |
Last Action: | 01/13/2015 H Reported enrolled: Jan 13 2015 8:20PM | |
Caption: | Providing for the election of the speaker of the house. |
HR 160 | Author: | Sanford | Leach | Phillips | Davis, Sarah | Hughes |
Last Action: | 02/20/2015 H Reported enrolled: Feb 20 2015 8:22PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating the Baylor University football team for its outstanding 2014-2015 season. |
HR 754 | Author: | Laubenberg | Shaheen | Turner, Scott | Leach | Sanford |
Last Action: | 03/09/2015 H Reported enrolled: Mar 9 2015 9:29AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing March 2 and 3, 2015, as Collin County Days at the State Capitol. |
HR 1677 | Author: | Laubenberg | Leach | Shaheen | Fallon |
Last Action: | 04/30/2015 H Reported enrolled: Apr 30 2015 8:01AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing March 31 and April 1, 2015, as Plano Legislative Days at the State Capitol. |
HR 2027 | Author: | Button | Vo | Wu | Miller, Rick | Leach |
Last Action: | 05/07/2015 H Reported enrolled: May 7 2015 1:21PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing May 2015 as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. |
HR 2948 | Author: | Button | Koop | Leach | Laubenberg |
Last Action: | 06/01/2015 H Reported enrolled: Jun 1 2015 1:42PM | |
Caption: | Commending Dr. David E. Daniel on his service as president of The University of Texas at Dallas and congratulating him on his appointment as deputy chancellor and chief operating officer of The University of Texas System. |