Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee

            July 18, 2018 - 10:00 AM

            Pollinator Conservation in Texas


                                 Hemphill, Sheila (Texas Right To Know)

                                 Hope, Meghan (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)

                                 Hotzel, Devin (Enbridge / Valley Crossing Pipeline)

                                 Hutchins, Ben (Texas Parks and Wildlife)

                                 Jha, Shalene (Self)

                                 Pena, Iliana (Texas Wildlife Association)

                                 Ray, Jon (Self; American Honey Bee Protection Agency)

                                 Reed, Mary (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)

                                 Richardson, Gene (Texas Farm Bureau)

                                 Schumacher, Walter (Self; American honeybee protection agency)

                                 Smith, Forrest (Texas A&m university kingsville)

                                 Snelgrove, Amy (Texan by Nature)

                                 Stacks, Dan (Texas Department of Transportation)

                                 YOUNG, VIRGINIA (Self)
