Bills Referred Today for 3/13/2017



March 13, 2017

Committee referral on the following:

SB 30 West/ Whitmire

Relating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for certain public school students and in driver education courses and to civilian interaction training for peace officers.

Criminal Justice

SB 317 Nichols/ Hinojosa/ Schwertner/ Taylor, Van/ Watson

Relating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee.

State Affairs

SB 318 Schwertner/ Hinojosa/ Nichols/ Taylor, Van/ Watson

Relating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees.

Health & Human Services

SB 726 Seliger

Relating to elections held by the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District.

Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

SB 1231 Perry

Relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority to pay for certain state infrastructure projects.


SB 1232 Huffman

Relating to the creation of the offense of bestiality.

Criminal Justice

SB 1233 Rodríguez

Relating to a writ of mandamus by a court of appeals against an associate judge in certain cases.

State Affairs

SB 1234 Rodríguez

Relating to the possession of a child on the child's birthday under a standard possession order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.

State Affairs

SB 1235 Rodríguez

Relating to the rendition of certain temporary orders during the pendency of a suit for modification of an order that provides for the conservatorship, support, or possession of or access to a child.

State Affairs

SB 1236 Rodríguez

Relating to child custody evaluations; creating an offense.

State Affairs

SB 1237 Rodríguez

Relating to procedures in a suit for dissolution of a marriage or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.

State Affairs

SB 1238 Rodríguez

Relating to the eligibility of certain at-risk developments to receive low income housing tax credits.

Intergovernmental Relations

SB 1239 Taylor, Van

Relating to the authority of a municipality to remove directors of certain conservation and reclamation districts.

Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

SB 1240 Rodríguez

Relating to the prescriptive authority of certain psychologists; authorizing a fee.

Health & Human Services

SB 1241 Rodríguez

Relating to law enforcement's duty to report to the National Crime Information Center and Texas Crime Information Center certain information concerning a family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking case.

Criminal Justice

SB 1242 Rodríguez

Relating to the confidentiality of certain personal information of an applicant for or a person protected by a protective order.

State Affairs

SB 1243 Rodríguez

Relating to the creation of the offense of improper contact with an adult victim of a criminal offense and providing certain rights to a victim and the victim's family regarding contact by an inmate or an inmate's representative.

Criminal Justice

SB 1244 Rodríguez/ et al.

Relating to the prima facie speed limit in an urban district.


SB 1245 Rodríguez/ et al.

Relating to the creation of the Vision Zero Task Force to propose a plan to eliminate traffic deaths in this state.


SB 1246 Rodríguez

Relating to the salary of a bailiff in El Paso County.

State Affairs

SB 1247 Huffman

Relating to the effective date of certain actions taken by the commissioner of education against school districts that exceed the equalized wealth level and to reattachment of property detached from a school district by the commissioner of education to achieve the equalized wealth level.


SB 1248 Buckingham

Relating to municipal regulation of manufactured home communities.

Business & Commerce

SB 1249 West

Relating to adverse possession of real property by a cotenant heir against other cotenant heirs.

State Affairs

SB 1250 West

Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in the prosecution of certain offenses involving family violence.

State Affairs

SB 1251 West

Relating to making a voluntary contribution to the Ending Homelessness fund when registering a motor vehicle or renewing a motor vehicle registration.


SB 1252 West

Relating to disclosure of information regarding and conditions for payment of death benefits under certain policies, contracts, and group benefit plans; providing exemplary damages.

Business & Commerce

SB 1253 West

Relating to the electronic recording and admissibility of certain custodial interrogations.

Criminal Justice

SB 1254 Taylor, Van

Relating to the practice of and the billing codes used by certain mental health professionals.

Business & Commerce

SB 1255 Uresti

Relating to the designation of a portion of Loop 1604 in Bexar County as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Overpass.


SB 1256 Uresti

Relating to export fees charged by the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District; changing a fee.

Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

SB 1257 Huffman

Relating to coverage for certain services related to maternal depression under the Medicaid and child health plan programs.

Health & Human Services

SB 1258 Miles

Relating to discretionary disciplinary action by public school districts regarding nonviolent offenses and the adjudication of a child who engages in conduct that constitutes a nonviolent offense on school property.


SB 1259 Bettencourt

Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities.

Intergovernmental Relations

SB 1260 Creighton

Relating to the Chambers County Improvement District No. 2.

Intergovernmental Relations

SB 1261 Creighton

Relating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 157; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

Intergovernmental Relations

SB 1262 Huffman/ Campbell

Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant's or employee's criminal history record information.

Business & Commerce

SB 1263 Hughes

Relating to the regulation of a service contract.

Business & Commerce

SB 1264 Huffman

Relating to psychological counseling for certain grand jurors.

State Affairs

SB 1265 Miles

Relating to HIV and AIDS tests and to health benefit plan coverage of HIV and AIDS tests.

Health & Human Services

SB 1266 Nelson

Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations.


SB 1267 Taylor, Larry

Relating to school district ad valorem tax rates.


SB 1269 Miles/ et al.

Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris and Galveston Counties.

Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

SB 1270 Miles

Relating to the allocation and use of certain border security funding to secure Gulf of Mexico ports.


SB 1271 Miles

Relating to the development of a statewide online education and career advising tool and to a study and report on certain courses offered for college credit to public school students.


SB 1272 Miles

Relating to an annual proclamation related to hurricane preparedness.

Natural Resources & Economic Development

SB 1273 Rodríguez

Relating to the procedures for an application for a writ of habeas corpus in certain felony cases where the state agrees to relief.

Criminal Justice

SB 1274 Rodríguez

Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of an unprotected road user; creating a criminal offense.


SB 1275 Taylor, Van

Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain nonexempt property used for low-income or moderate-income housing.


SB 1276 Campbell

Relating to designation of gender-neutral bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, shower rooms, and similar facilities.

State Affairs

SB 1277 Taylor, Larry

Relating to a requirement that online admission application forms for public institutions of higher education include a link to certain employment data relating to fields of study.

Higher Education

SB 1278 Taylor, Larry

Relating to educator preparation programs.


SB 1279 Taylor, Larry

Relating to restricting the use of covered information, including student personally identifiable information, by an operator of a website, online service, online application, or mobile application for a school purpose.


SB 1280 Huffines

Relating to the minimum amount of student instruction required to be provided by school districts.


SB 1281 Huffines

Relating to an exemption from motor carrier registration for certain vehicles transporting household goods.


SB 1282 Huffines

Relating to prohibiting the use of automated traffic control systems.


SB 1283 Creighton

Relating to reciprocity requirements for nonresident insurance agents to offer or sell insurance policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Business & Commerce

SB 1284 Taylor, Van

Relating to prescriber and dispenser reporting and access to patient prescription information under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.

Health & Human Services

SB 1285 Creighton

Relating to certain information or assistance provided by life insurance agents to owners of life insurance policies.

Business & Commerce

SB 1286 Bettencourt

Relating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations.


SB 1287 Huffines

Relating to compliance with prohibitions regarding the use of common core state standards in public schools.


SB 1288 Taylor, Larry/ Schwertner

Relating to the United States history end-of-course assessment instrument for public high school students.


SB 1289 Creighton

Relating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain governmental entity projects.

Business & Commerce

SB 1290 Creighton

Relating to access to criminal history record information by an emergency communication district.

Criminal Justice

SB 1291 Creighton

Relating to permits for oversize and overweight vehicles in a certain county.


SB 1292 Creighton

Relating to the creation of a revolving loan program to finance ship channel improvements.


SB 1293 Buckingham

Relating to a prohibition on requiring a gift or grant to be made to a district or county attorney or a commissioners court as a condition of a defendant's pretrial intervention agreement.

State Affairs

SB 1294 Buckingham

Relating to election of professional staff representatives to certain school district planning and decision-making committees.


SB 1295 Lucio

Relating to an insurance premium tax credit for investment in certain communities; imposing a monetary penalty; authorizing fees.


SB 1296 Huffman

Relating to the review of ballot proposition language for certain political subdivision elections.

State Affairs

SB 1297 Huffman

Relating to enhancing the penalties for certain repeat and habitual offenders.

Criminal Justice

SB 1298 Huffman

Relating to the selection and summons of prospective grand jurors.

Criminal Justice

SB 1299 Huffman

Relating to access to criminal history record information.

Criminal Justice

SB 1300 Perry

Relating to the designation of the San Angelo State Supported Living Center as a forensic state supported living center.

Health & Human Services

SB 2190 Huffman

Relating to the public retirement systems of certain municipalities.

State Affairs