HB 2826


              Ways & Means Committee

              March 24, 2015 - 8:30 AM

                       For :

                                 Bennett, Richard A. (Tony) (Texas Assn of Manufacturers)

                                 Casey, Daniel (Self)

                                 Craymer, Dale (Texas taxpayers and research association)

                                 DePriest, Heath (Phillips 66)

                                 LeBas, James (TxOGA, and Texas Chemical Council)

                                 Newman, Joe (Self; Elgin Economic Dev't Corp)

                       Against :

                                 Lavine, Dick (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Anderson, David (Texas Fast Growth School Coalition)

                                 Cagnolatti, David (Phillips 66)

                                 Dewitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Giarratani, Dominic (Texas Association of School Boards)

                                 Harris, Dana (Austin Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Jones, Max (The Greater Houston Partnership)

                                 Jones, Max (The METRO Eight Chambers of Commerce:  Arlington, Austin, Corpus

                                 Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio)

                                 Matz, Sarah (TechAmerica)

                                 Meroney, Mike (Self; Huntsman Corp., BASF Corp., and Sherwin Alumina, Co.)

                                 Schwab, Carlton (Texas Economic Development Council)

                                 Shannon, Fred (Hewlett Packard)

                                 Shields, Chris (San Antonio Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Sutherland, Mike (Association of Rural Communities in Texas)

                                 Womack, Daniel (The Dow Chemical Company)

                       On :

                                 Wood, Robert (Comptroller of Public Accounts)
