
Friday, May 22, 2015




********** SENATE AMENDMENTS **********

Senate amendment printings:

ELIGIBLE AT 1:40 PM MAY 21, 2015:

HB 663              King, Ken

Relating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 207 in Armstrong County as the William Hamblen Memorial Highway.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:20 PM MAY 21, 2015:

HB 1598             Miller, Doug

Relating to the Texas military forces oath of affirmation.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:30 PM MAY 21, 2015:

HB 1919             Phillips

Relating to the applicability of certain provisions concerning invasive species.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 11:10 AM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 1736             Villalba / Oliveira

Relating to building energy efficiency performance standards.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 12:30 PM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 1794             Geren / Harless / Burkett / Longoria / Murphy / et al.

Relating to suits brought by local governments for violations of certain laws under the jurisdiction of, or rules adopted or orders or permits issued by, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; affecting civil penalties.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 2 pages total.

HB 1140             Israel / White, James / King, Susan / Coleman / Stickland / et al.

Relating to the confinement of pregnant prisoners in county jails.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 3 pages total.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:20 PM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 2027             Bonnen, Greg / Faircloth / Laubenberg / Fallon / Villalba

Relating to establishing precincts for elections held on a uniform election date by certain political subdivisions.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:50 PM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 1709             Harless

Relating to the closing, abandoning, and vacating of a public road by a county; authorizing the imposition of a fee.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 5:30 PM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 2100             Hernandez

Relating to the creation of the East Houston Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 21 pages total.

ELIGIBLE AT 5:40 PM MAY 22, 2015:

HB 479              Bell / Metcalf

Relating to transfer of the regional emergency medical dispatch resource centers program to the Commission on State Emergency Communications.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 6 pages total.



********** CONFERENCE COMMITTEE **********

The Senate requests the appointment of a conference committee on:

SB 20               Nelson / et al.

SP: Price / Cook / Raymond / Kuempel

Relating to state agency contracting; authorizing fees; creating an offense.
(Senate Conferees: Nelson, Ch./Hinojosa/Huffman/Nichols/Schwertner)

SB 55               Nelson / et al.

SP: King, Susan

Relating to the creation of a grant program to support community mental health programs for veterans with mental illness.
(Senate Conferees: Nelson, Ch./Campbell/Hinojosa/Huffman/Lucio)

SB 1593             Lucio / et al.

SP: Lucio III

Relating to regulation of the sale of fireworks by certain municipalities.
(Senate Conferees: Lucio, Ch./Eltife/Menéndez/Nichols/Taylor, Larry)