Regular Order of Business for 2/18/2013



February 18, 2013


(Calendar Order)


(Second Reading)

SJR 21 Eltife

Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to appropriations for the preservation and perpetuation of certain items of historical value; allowing the legislature and state agencies to accept on behalf of the state gifts of items of historical value and contributions to purchase such items.

SJR 18 (CS)Carona

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the making of a reverse mortgage loan for the purchase of homestead property and to amend certain requirements in connection with a reverse mortgage loan.


(Second Reading)

SB 234 Eltife

Relating to the creation, purpose, implementation, and funding of the County Park Beautification and Improvement Program.

SB 228 (LC)Williams

Relating to the regulation of the practice of public accountancy.

SB 192 (LC)Carona

Relating to access to criminal history record information by the banking commissioner.

SB 138 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to procedures for filing complaints with, and providing notice of certain violations to, the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists.

SB 230 (LC)Carona

Relating to the applicability of state law governing funds transfers to certain remittance transfers.

SB 147 (LC)Deuell

Relating to the amount of outstanding total liability of a mortgage guaranty insurer.

SB 251 (LC)West

Relating to an unsworn declaration made by an employee of a state agency or political subdivision in the performance of the employee's job duties.

SB 246 (LC)West

Relating to the electronic submission of a request for an attorney general opinion.

SB 112 (CS) (LC)Lucio/ et al.

Relating to a requirement for and the contents of a declarations page required for certain standard insurance policy forms for residential property insurance.

SB 349 (LC)Nichols

Relating to standards for power lines.

SB 183 (CS) (LC)Carona

Relating to certain inquiries made by the Texas Department of Insurance to insurers.

SB 289 (CS) (LC)Carona

Relating to the approval requirement for a rental-purchase agreement that includes a loss damage waiver provision.

SB 288 (CS) (LC)Carona

Relating to the regulation of crafted precious metal dealers.

SB 297 (CS) (LC)Carona

Relating to prepaid funeral benefits contracts.

SB 60 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to authorizing the placement of a security freeze on the consumer file or other record created or maintained by a consumer reporting agency regarding a person under 16 years of age.

SB 244 (CS) (LC)Carona

Relating to the administration, operation, supervision, and regulation of credit unions.

SB 168 (LC)Fraser

Relating to the election of members of the board of directors of the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District.

SB 281 (LC)Estes

Relating to the administration and powers of the Red River Authority of Texas.

SB 61 (LC)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to the licensing and regulation of military physicians who provide voluntary charity health care.

SB 66 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to the composition of the child fatality review team committee.

SB 67 (LC)Nelson

Relating to reporting requirements for institutions of higher education conducting human stem cell research.

SB 186 Carona

Relating to the abatement of mosquitoes in stagnant water located on certain uninhabited residential property.

SB 141 (CS) (LC)Huffman

Relating to the requirements for issuance of a license to practice orthotics and prosthetics.

SB 149 (CS)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.

SB 153 (LC)Nelson

Relating to the amounts of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain health facilities.

SB 406 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to the delegation and supervision of prescriptive authority by physicians to certain advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants.