Floor Packet Page No. S-6                                                   

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     

(1)  Under the Article XI appropriations to the Texas 	Education Agency (pages XI-17 -- XI-20), add the following 
appropriately numbered rider:
	____.  Contingency for HB 1625:  Salary Increase for Certain 
Professional Public School Employees.  Contingent on the enactment 
of HB 1625 or similar legislation by the 80th Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2007, relating to increased salaries for certain 
professional employees of public schools, in addition to other 
amounts appropriated for the state fiscal biennium beginning 
September 1, 2007, the amount of $1,034,800,000 is appropriated out 
of the general revenue fund to the Texas Education Agency for use as 
provided by that legislation for the 2008 fiscal year, and the 
amount of $1,034,800,000 is appropriated out of the general revenue 
fund to the Texas Education Agency for use as provided by that 
legislation for the 2009 fiscal year.
	(2)  Adjust the article totals (page XI-1) accordingly.