NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Monday, March 21, 2005

PLACE: Sen. Van de Putte's Desk

CHAIR: Senator Leticia Van de Putte

The Committee will meet to vote on the following bills:

SB 101            Van de Putte
Relating to electronically monitoring certain veterans' and
dependents' tuition exemptions.

SB 580            Van de Putte
Relating to the installment payment of ad valorem taxes by certain

SB 581            Van de Putte
Relating to Texas Building and Procurement Commission requirements
for certain purchases by the Veterans' Land Board.

SB 776            Van de Putte
Relating to persons eligible to administer or take a high school
equivalency examination.
