NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: S/C on Higher Education

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Monday, April 25, 2005

PLACE: Betty King Committee Room

CHAIR: Senator Royce West

The Betty King Room is located in the capitol, room 2E.20.

The Subcommittee will meet to discuss the following bills:

SB 1809            Wentworth
Relating to conducting and financing the Texas Tech-Prep Program.

SB 1844            Harris
Relating to scholarships for the fifth year of accounting programs
at public and private institutions of higher education.

Pending Bills:

SB 817            West, Royce
Relating to financial transaction awareness plans to be adopted by
public institutions of higher education.

SB 1208            Lindsay
Relating to filing requirements for candidates to positions on
governing boards of certain public junior colleges.

SB 1701            Averitt
Relating to tuition and fee rebates for timely completion of degree
programs offered by general academic teaching institutions.
