Jurisprudence Committee
June 30, 2003 - 3:00P

       FOR:       Breier, John (Midland Chamber of Commerce), Midland,
                  Canon, Mike (Self), Midland, TX
                  McKerley, Dennis (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Powell, Charles (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Read, David (Self), San Angelo, TX
       AGAINST:   Amos, Allen Concho County Judge (Self), Eden, TX
                  Ayana, Sally (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Becker, Ken (Sweetwater Chamber of Commerce),
                         Sweetwater, TX
                  Bednar, Wilburn Glasscock County Judge (Glasscock
                         County), Garden City, TX
                  Blocker, Corky Martin County Commissioner (Martin
                         County Commissioners Court), Stanton, TX
                  Bowen, Anita (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Browne, Robert Sterling County Judge (Sterling
                         County), Sterling City, TX
                  Celaya, Al (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Crooker, Bill Howard County Commissioner (Howard
                         County), Big Spring, TX
                  Eiland, Paige (Self), Stanton, TX
                  Elam, James (Development Corporation of Haskell),
                         Abilene, TX
                  Evans, David (Self), El Paso, TX
                  Haldenby, Roger (Self), Lorenzo, TX
                  Harrill, George (Self), Sweetwater, TX
                  Hatfield, Mary (Self), Lubbock, TX
                  Hicks, Renea (Texas Congressional Democratic
                         Delegation), Austin, TX
                  Hoch, Michael Glasscock County Commissioner
                         (Glasscock County), Garden City, TX
                  Huffman, Kirby (Self), Lubbock, TX
                  James, Jr., Clyde (Self), Lubbock, TX
                  Kuykendall, Karin Rolling Plains Cotton Growers
                         (Self), Abilene, TX
                  Lange, Allan (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Lee, Martin Mayor (City of Bronte), Bronte, TX
                  Little, James (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  McDonald, Gloria (Big Spring City Council), Big
                         Spring, TX
                  McEwen, Russ Mayor (Big Spring), Big Spring, TX
                  McSwain, Ross (AARP), San Angelo, TX
                  Michuhka, Ron (Tom Green Democratic Party), San
                         Angelo, TX
                  Minter, Bill (Self), Abilene, TX
                  Mitchell, Myrl (Self), Lenorah, TX
                  Mossell, Ivey (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Owens, Tommy (Self), Rankin, TX
                  Pearson, Dr. Neale Prof. Emeritus, Poli.Sci. Texas
                         Tech Uni (Self), Lubbock, TX
                  Reese, Zane (Self), Lorenzo, TX
                  Ricker, Ann (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Ryan, David (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Shoemaker, Linda (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Sims, Wes President (Texas Farmers Union),
                         Sweetwater, TX
                  Slone, Jeri (Self), San Angelo, TX
       ON:        Cummings, Jim (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Davis, Celia (Mayor of Abilene, City Council and
                         Chamber of Commerce), Abilene, TX
                  Ivey, Patti Democratic County Chair (Coke County),
                         Robert Lee, TX
                  McMahan, Mike (Abilene Chamber of Commerce),
                         Abilene, TX
                  Ryan, Jim (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Tullos, Bill (Farm Bureau), San Angelo, TX
                  Williams, Steve (Self), Eldorado, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Brown, Mike Tom Green County Judge (Tom Green
                         County), San Angelo, TX
                  Contreras, Fred (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  DeCordora, Cheryl (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Fleming, Emmet (Self), Christoval, TX
                  Fly, Ricman (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hafer, Joanna (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hopkins, Annette (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hornbuckle, Sybil (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Mayfield, Deanna (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Mayfield, Stanley (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  McMurtrey, Thelma (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Minton, Carolyn (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Moyer, William (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Oliver, Richey (Oliver, Rainey, and Wojtek), San
                         Angelo, TX
                  Pond, Cindy (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Powell, Jo Anne (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Robertson, Gloria (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Smith, Terry (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Standard, Leon (Self), Mertzon, TX
                  Wardlaw, H.R. (Self), San Angelo, TX
       Against:   Adams, Thomas City Manager (City of San Angelo), San
                         Angelo, TX
                  Andrews, Betty (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Averyt, Milton (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Ayotte, Mary (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Bader, Terry (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Bahlman, Nelan (Self), Winters, TX
                  Bailey, Mary Kay (Self), Water Valley, TX
                  Ballard, Margaret (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Barbour, Denise (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Barbour, John (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Beleur, Virginia (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Benton, Robert (Cong. Charles Stenholm), San Angelo,
                  Blair, Roy (Self), Robert Lee, TX
                  Bourdo, Hank (Self), Winters, TX
                  Bowen, John (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Camfield, Tom (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Cawley, Cindy (Self), Eldorado, TX
                  Cervantes, Mary (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Conner, Randall (Winters Bus and Ind. Corp.),
                         Winters, TX
                  Crooker, Joyce (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Dickerson, Doris (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Dickerson, Harold (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Diminnie, Carol (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Dominguez, Harold (City of San Angelo), San Angelo,
                  Edwards, Aubrey (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Egan, Marilyn (Self), Ballinger, TX
                  Eggemeyer, Chandra (Self), Miles, TX
                  Equivel, Steve (Self), Winters, TX
                  Estrada, Stella (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Fambrough, Tim (Self), Sweetwater, TX
                  Flippin, Zorita (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Fuchs, Dennis (Glasscock County Farmers), Midland,
                  Fuller, Ann (Horse Creek Ranch), San Angelo, TX
                  Funk, Dick (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Garcia, Sylvia (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Gillespie, Shelby (Self), Norman, OK
                  Gray, Weldon (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Grohman, Freddie (Self), Winters, TX
                  Gully, Rodney (Self), Garden City, TX
                  Hall, Billy (Self), Winters, TX
                  Hall, J.B. (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hargrove, Raford (Self), Rotan, TX
                  Hendry, Lloyd (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hoelscher, Frank (Concho Valley Elec. Coop, Tom
                         Green Co. Farm Bureau), San Angelo, TX
                  Hoelscher, Harold (St. Lawrence Cotton Growers
                         Association), Garden City, TX
                  Hohmann, Mildred (Democratic Party), San Angelo, TX
                  Holcomb, Kathleen (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Holland, Scott (Self), Mertzon, TX
                  Iazgo, John (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Jones, Jim (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Kellermeier, Clarence (Self), Paint Rock, TX
                  Kellermeier, Marjarie (Self), Paint Rock, TX
                  Krasny, Mitchell (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Lackey, Cynthia (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Little, Judy (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Long, Sid (Southern Rolling Plains Cotton Growers),
                         Robert Lee, TX
                  Louder, Debbie (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Louder, Justin (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Magers, Karen (Self), El Paso, TX
                  Maxwell, Terry (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  McClellan, Jean (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  McEwen, Lawra (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Milliff, Winton (Coke Co. Underground Conservation
                         District), Robert Lee, TX
                  Olson, Edward (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Paschal, Janetta (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Patterson, Dorothy (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Rees, Cherilyn (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Runge, Carolin (Menard Co. UWD), Menard, TX
                  Ryan, Maryalyce (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Salmon, Stephen (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Sandusky, Gerald (Self), Bronte, TX
                  Schooler, Steven (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Self, James (Self), Wingate, TX
                  Sharp, Kent (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Sheffield, Bernay (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Sleutel, Martha (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Soto, Genaro (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Spoo, Elmer (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Stinson, Nora Chair (Concho County Democrats), Paint
                         rock, TX
                  Tharp, Patti (TSTA), San Angelo, TX
                  Tharp, Peggy (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Thiele, Dorothy (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Triplett, Hall (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Valles, James (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Valverde, Debbye (Self), Big Spring, TX
                  Vandever, Mozelle (Tom Green Democratic Club), San
                         Angelo, TX
                  Warren, Amber (Self), Ballinger, TX
       On:        Burnett, Richard (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Byrd, LeAnne (Howard College), San Angelo, TX
                  Hall, Shirley (Self), Winters, TX
                  Hassan, Dr. (Self), Winters, TX
                  Haverlah, Ryan (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Hendry, Leanorah (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  McClellan, Jasper (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  McLaughlin, J.M. (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Smith, Stephen (Self), San Angelo, TX
                  Thompson, Barbara (Self), San Angelo, TX

  Providing written testimony:
       Against:   Simms, Janna Joy (Tom Green County Democrats), San
                         Angelo, TX
                  Sweeter, Paula (Self), San Angelo, TX