Urban Affairs Committee
May 1, 2003-8:00A

HB 1639
    For:      Broadrick, Shawn (Road Sprinkler Fitters Local 669)
              Lord, Richard (Texas Pipe Trades)
              Villarreal, Johnny (Houston Fire Fighters Local 341)

HB 1642
    For:      Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)
              Villarreal, Johnny (Houston Fire Fighters Local 341)
    Against:  Sandlin, Bennett (Texas Municipal League)

HB 1774
    For:      Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)
    Against:  Sandlin, Bennett (Texas Municipal League)

HB 1906
    For:      January-Bevers, Deborah (Greater Houston Partnership)
              Lloyd, Margaret (Scenic Houston & Scenic Texas)

HB 2369
    For:      Bland, John W. (Self and Transport Workers Union of
                   America - Local 260)

HB 3067
    For:      Villarreal, Johnny (Houston Fire Fighters Local 341)

HB 3352
    For:      Knight, Raymond (City of Garland)
    Against:  Higgins, MIke (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)

HB 3353
    For:      Knight, Raymond (City of Garland)
    Against:  Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)
              Villarreal, John (Houston Fire Fighters Local 341)

HB 3585
    For:      Murphy, James R. (Westchase District)

SB 1726
    For:      Austin, Tim (Vinson & Elkins)
              Mingoia, Darcy (Cy-Fair Houston Chamber; Cy-Fair
                   Community Improvement District)