Public Health Committee
April 30, 2003-8:00A

HB 963
    Against:  Chiodo, Dana (American Electronics Association)
              Glacken, Shawn (Association of Eletric Companies of
              Goleman, Kinnan (Soap & Detergent Association)
              Miksa, Mary (Texas Association of Business)
    On:       Dillard, Annabelle (Texas Department of Health)

HB 2046
    For:      McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
    On:       Blass, Casey (Texas Department of Health)

HB 2479
    For:      Appel Jr., Herbert (Self and The Greater Fort Bend
                   Economic Development Council)
              Conner, Ben (Self)
              Conner, Gladys (Self)
              Ferguson, Charles (Self and Texans Supporting State
              Garza, J G (Self and Texans Supporting State Schools)
              Miller, Jim (Self and Texans Supporting State Schools)
              Snyder, Ruth (Self)
              Stephens, Mike (Self and PART (Parent Association for
                   the Retarded of Texas))
    Against:  Anderson, Ed (Self)
              Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texas with Disabilities)
              Cranston, Ron (Self)
              Eernisse, Virginia (ARC of the Gulf Coast)
              Gordon, Trisha (Self)
              Horton, Colleen (Self and Texas Center for Disability
              Kafka, Bob (ADAPT)
              Mizcles, Amy (The Arc of Texas)
              Murphree, Susan (Advocacy Inc)

HB 2495
    On:       Garanflo, Jaime (Texas State Board of Medical Examiners)

HB 2800
    For:      Nzedu, Jasper (Self)
              Nzedu, Vivian (Myself)
              Pickens, Ace (Self)

HB 2833
    On:       Bays, Richard (Tx Dept of Health)

HB 2997
    For:      Lochridge, Patton (1800 Contacts)
              Magore, Jay (1800 Contacts)
              McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union)
              Shepard, Janelle (Self)
              Venable, Peggy (Self and Citizens for a Sound Economy)
    Against:  Avery, BJ (Texas Optometric Asso)
              Cornett, Dr. John Todd (Texas Optometric Association)
              Neel, Morris (Self)
    On:       Bays, Richard (Tx Dept of Health)
              Deloach OD, Joe (Texas Optometry Board)
              Kloeris, Chris (Texas Optometry Board)

HB 3451
    For:      Burney, Dr. Paul (Tex Psychological Association)
              Crumley, Marlene (Self)
              Hopewell PhD, C Alan (Texas Psychological Assocation)
              Jennings, Peggy (Self)
              McPherson, Bob (Texas Psychological Association)
              Yates, Dr. Dee (Texas Psychological Association)
    Against:  Bresnen, Steve (Tex Society of Psychiatric Physicians)
              Nelson MD, Jefferson (Texas Society of Psychiatric
              Swinney, James (Depression BiPolar Support Allaince of

SB 803
    For:      Hotze, Steve (Self)

SB 939
    For:      Hotze, Steve (Self)
              Luedecke, Monica (Self)
    On:       Gonzales, David (Texas Pharmacy Association)