Border and International Affairs Committee
April 15, 2003-8:00A

HB 2448
    For:      Garcia, Joe (Texas Border Infrastructure Coalition)
    On:       Esobedo, M.D., Miguel A. (Texas Department of Health)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Kastrin, Deborah (TBIC)
    On:       Dutton, Dr. Ronald J. (Texas Department of Health)
              Moreno, Arthur T. (Texas Department of Health)

HB 2450
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Garcia, Joe (Texas Border Infrastructure Coalition)
              Kastrin, Deborah (TBIC)
    On:       Dutton, Dr. Ronald J. (Texas Department of Health)
              Escobedo, Miguel (Texas Department of Health)
              Moreno, Arthur T. (Texas Department of Health)

HB 3221
    For:      Atkins, James P. (Valley One Real Estate Financing)
              McClelland, Jack (Texas Land Developers Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      De Lafuente, Veronica (Cameron County Judge's Office,
                   County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa)
    Against:  Allison, Jim (Texas County Judges and Commissioners
                   Association of Texas)

HB 3281
    For:      Uribe, Hector (Zapata County Commissioners Court)
              Vasquez, Michael (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Allison, Jim (County Judges and Commissioners
                   Association of Texas)

HB 3297
    On:       Tessen, Robert J. "Sam" (Office of Rural Community

HB 3303
    For:      Darling, Jim (City of McAllen)

HB 3420
    For:      Agan, Jerry C. (Presidio County Commissioners Court)
              Uribe, Hector (Zapata County Commissioners Court)
    On:       Saenz, Amadeo (TxDOT)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    On:       Tessen, Robert J. "Sam" (Office of Rural Community

SB 535
    For:      Lee, Donald (Tx. Conference of Urban Counties)
    Against:  Atkins, James P (Valley One RE Financing)
              Gaines, Jimmy (Texas Land Owners Council, Inc.)
              McClelland, Jack (Texas Land Developers Association)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Allison, Jim (County Judges and Commissioners
                   Association of Texas)
              Kastrin, Deborah (County of El Paso)