                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Subcommittee on Higher Education

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Monday, April 14, 2003

PLACE: Betty King Comm. Room

CHAIR: Senator Royce West

The Betty King Committee Room is located in the Capitol - Room 2E.20

1.     Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Approval of Minutes

4.     The Committee will consider the following:

SB 166            Shapiro
Relating to sex offender registration requirements imposed on
certain higher education workers or students and to immunity for
release of public information obtained as a result of those

SB 800            Madla / et al.
Relating to the establishment of Texas A&M University--San Antonio.

SB 1167            Janek
Relating to increasing the number of registered nurses and other
health care professionals.

SB 1297            Ogden
Relating to financing a multi-institutional education center in
Williamson County for Southwest Texas State University.

SB 1476            West
Amending Section 53.47, Education Code, to permit the creation of
nonprofit corporations to refund outstanding student loan bonds.

SB 1608            Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the terms of office of members of the governing body of
certain junior college districts after annexation of territory.

SB 1609            Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the service area of the Houston Community College
System District.

SB 1642            Staples
Relating to the establishment of a geriatric education and care
research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at

HB 1055            Luna / et al.            SP: Hinojosa
Relating to an intercollegiate athletics fee at Texas A&M
University--Corpus Christi.

5.     Pending Business:

SB 754            West
Relating to the creation of higher education enhancement districts;
authorizing a sales and use tax or a property tax.

SB 1292            Ratliff
Relating to extending the boundaries of a junior college district
to include territory in the district's service area.

SB 1630            Ratliff
Relating to overhead expenses of conducting research at
institutions of higher education and the indirect cost
reimbursement related to that research.

6.     Adjourn/Recess



SB 1167