NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: State Affairs

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, April 3, 2001

PLACE: Senator Shapiro's Desk

CHAIR: Senator Florence Shapiro

The Committee will consider the following:

SB 27            Shapiro / et al.
Relating to the creation of an address confidentiality program to
assist victims of family violence or stalking in maintaining
confidential addresses.

SB 497            Shapleigh
Relating to information a state agency may post on the Internet.

SB 817            Armbrister
Relating to the requirement that the name of a state agency be
printed on certain state motor vehicles.

SB 971            Shapleigh
Relating to requiring state investment funds to post certain
information on the Internet.

SB 1115            Armbrister
Relating to conflicts of interest of Department of Information
Resources employees.
