NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Business & Commerce,
           Subcommittee on Border Affairs

TIME & DATE:  8:30AM, Thursday, March 1, 2001

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.


To consider the following:

SB 224            Shapleigh
Relating to requiring that the Texas Transportation Commission meet
with transportation officials of bordering states of the United
Mexican States to discuss transportation and infrastructure issues.

SB 225            Shapleigh
Relating to a border corridor transportation plan.

SB 241            Lucio / et al.
Relating to the financing, construction, and improvement to
critical transportation projects by the Texas Department of

SJR 7            Lucio
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to
provide for the issuance of bonds for certain improvements to the
state highway system.

SJR 10            Lucio / et al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to
provide for the issuance of bonds for certain improvements to the
state highway system.
