HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Public Health

TIME & DATE:  8:45AM, Wednesday, April 11, 2001

PLACE: E2.030

CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray

The following House Bills and a House Concurrent Resolution will be
considered from 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM:

HB 1702            Green / et al.
Relating to immunizations and the immunization registry.

HB 2669            Janek
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Health to prepare a
request for information for storing and distributing vaccines.

HB 2670            Janek
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Health to allow
health care providers to use certain vaccines in the vaccines for
children program.

HB 2671            Janek
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Health to promote the
vaccines for children program to certain health care providers not
currently enrolled in the program.

HCR 125            Salinas / et al.
Urging the Texas Board of Health to adopt rules expanding the
requirements for hepatitis A vaccination to children in 22
additional counties.

The Committee will recess and then consider the following House Bills at
1:30 PM or 30 minutes after adjournment, whichever is later:

HB 143            Deshotel
Relating to posting reports of inspections of certain food service

HB 640            Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Health
regarding sanitation in public school restrooms.

HB 803            Junell
Relating to reimbursement for services provided by registered nurse
first assistants.

HB 1316            Farabee
Relating to the consideration of a trust as property liable for the
support of clients at mental health community centers or patients
at state hospitals.

HB 1719            Eiland
Relating to prohibiting certain persons and entities from banning
the use of recording devices during the delivery of a child.

HB 1887            Janek
Relating to the rights of patients receiving mental health

HB 2004            Maxey
Relating to the medication a patient receives after being
furloughed or discharged from inpatient mental health services.

HB 2128            Hopson
Relating to the regulation of the practice of pharmacy and the
dispensing of certain drugs.

HB 2142            Jones, Elizabeth
Relating to the publication of certain brochures for the federal
special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children.

HB 2178            Salinas
Relating to the inclusion of information about improper chemical
dependency diagnoses and services in certain medical records.

HB 2287            Edwards
Relating to the authority of a hospital to share with certain
attending physicians reimbursements for services provided to
patients under the medical assistance program.

HB 2355            Tillery
Relating to eligibility of a newborn child for the state child
health plan.

HB 2650            Capelo
Relating to requiring hepatitis C training for registered nurses.

HB 2767            Delisi
Relating to the notice regarding sales of cigarettes and tobacco
products given by a retailer to its employees.

HB 2837            Dukes
Relating to the licensing and regulation of the practice of
kinesiotherapy;  providing penalties.

HB 2844            Lewis, Glenn
Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Health to exempt
certain projects from rules relating to asbestos abatement.

HB 2950            Chavez
Relating to the regulation of certain abusable volatile chemicals.

HB 3085            Burnam
Relating to the regulation of the sale and use of products
containing mercury; providing a penalty.

HB 3378            Deshotel
Relating to composition of the Texas Department of Mental Health
and Mental retardation.

HB 3385            Kitchen
Relating to administration and operation of the Medicaid program.

HB 3554            Coleman
Relating to the dispensing of drugs pursuant to an oncology

HB 3583            Coleman
Relating to required contract provisions and sanctions for ICF-MR
program providers.

HB 3602            Capelo
Relating to the hazardous substances law; providing penalties.

HB 3612            Delisi
Relating to hospitals.



HB 2535