NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Judicial Affairs

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Monday, April 30, 2001

PLACE: E2.028

CHAIR: Rep. Senfronia Thompson

To consider the following:

HB 3203            Jones, Jesse
Relating to allowing counties to update addresses for potential

HB 3296            Goodman
Relating to the compensation of a former judge or justice while
assigned as a visiting judge.

SB 941            Lindsay
Relating to eligibility for assignment of former or retired
statutory probate judges as visiting judges.

SB 1094            Nelson
Relating to the administration and jurisdiction of the statutory
county courts in Denton County and to the operation of the
statutory probate court in Denton County.

SB 1199            Barrientos
Relating to a primary election filing fee and petition requirements
for certain judicial candidates.

SB 1210            West, Royce
Relating to certain attorneys and law clerks employed by a court.

SB 1433            Ogden
Relating to the jurisdiction of the 85th, 272nd, and 361st District
Courts in Brazos County.

SB 1640            Bernsen
Relating to a provision for the payment or transfer of a person's
interest in a mutual fund account on the person's death.
