NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Insurance

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Monday, April 30, 2001

PLACE: E2.026

CHAIR: Rep. John T. Smithee


SB 186            Truan / et al.
Relating to motor vehicle insurance premium discounts for certain
individuals on active military duty.

SB 466            Madla
Relating to a specialty insurance agent license for persons who
sell certain telecommunications equipment.

SB 496            Shapleigh
Relating to a study of barriers to providing binational health
benefit plan coverage.

SB 712            Sibley
Relating to the privacy of certain information provided by
consumers to insurers and other related entities; providing a civil

SB 1329            Bivins
Relating to the regulation of insurance and to requirements
regarding motor vehicle insurance; providing penalties.
