NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Energy Resources

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Wednesday, March 14, 2001

PLACE: E1.010

CHAIR: Rep. Ron E. Lewis

The committee will meet in a public hearing to consider the following

HR 359            Christian / et al.
Encouraging natural gas and energy suppliers to negotiate with
agricultural producers to prevent disruption of utility services.

HB 484            Craddick
Relating to emergency response preparations for pipeline
transportation of hazardous liquids, carbon dioxide, or natural

HB 981            King, Tracy
Relating to oil and gas royalty reporting standards.

HB 1857            Kitchen / et al.
Relating to restrictions on the authority of a person to transport
petroleum products in a pipeline system.

HB 1858            Kitchen / et al.
Relating to a limitation on the authority of certain limited
partnerships to engage as common carriers in the pipeline business.
