         The House Committee on Appropriations 
         77th Legislature 
         March 22, 2001 
         7:00 a.m. 
         Capitol Extension, E1.030 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on March 16, 2001, the House  
         Committee on Appropriations met in a public hearing and was  
         called to order by the chair, Representative Junell, at 7:02  
         The roll was answered as follows: 
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Allen;  
                   Coleman; Farrar; Flores; Glaze; Heflin; Hochberg;  
                   Janek; King, Tracy; Luna, Vilma; McReynolds; Moreno,  
                   Paul; Mowery; Pickett; Pitts; Puente (18). 
         Absent:   Representatives Delisi; Eiland; Gallego; Giddings;  
                   Gutierrez; Hamric; Maxey; Smith; Turner, Sylvester  
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Workers' Compensation Commission 
         (Representative Hamric now present.)(Representative Smith now  
         present.)(Representative Gallego now present.) 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds for the Business Process Improvement project. 
                Contingent Revenue rider (Pitts #1) 
                Capital Budget rider (Pitts #2) 
                Unexpended Balance Authority and Business Process  
                   Improvement rider (Pitts #3) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Research and Oversight Council on Workers' Compensation 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds for a Research V FTE. 
                Funds to participate in the next round of the Workers'  
                   Compensation Research Institute's multi-state  
                   comparison study. 
                Contingent Revenue rider (Pitts #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Banking 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Reduction of funds to reduce the number of authorized FTEs  
                   by one each year of the biennium. 
                Adopt modified Federal Per Diem Authorized rider (Pitts #1) 
                Relocation Austin Regional Office rider (Pitts #2) 
                Consolidation Plan rider (Pitts #3) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation 
         (Representative Eiland now present.)(Representative Turner,  
         Sylvester now present.) 
         Representative King moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds to purchase a computer licensing system 
                Contingent Revenue rider (King #1) 
                Capital Budget rider (King #2) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Funeral Service Commission 
         Representative Hamric moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Capital Budget rider (Hamric #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Board of Examiners of Psychologists 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds to increase funding for the increase in the Northrup  
                   Grumman maintenance contract. 
                Contingent Revenue rider (Pitts #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner 
         Representative Moreno moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Relocation of Financial Examiner Position rider (Moreno #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Savings and Loan Department 
         (Representative Maxey now present.) 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Technical Changes 
                Technical change to Contingent Revenue rider. 
                Consolidation Plan rider (Pitts #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Racing Commission 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds for travel expenses for students and veterinarians 
                Contingent Revenue rider (Pitts #1) 
                Capital Budget rider (Pitts #2) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Board of Barber Examiners 
         Representative Hamric moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Capital Budget rider (Hamric #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Board of Professional Land Surveying 
         (Representative Giddings now present.) 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Fee Rates rider (Pitts #1) 
           Article XI 
                Contingent Appropriation for H.B. 1253 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Real Estate Commission 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Technical Changes 
                Technical change to Contingent Revenue rider. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Board of Medical Examiners 
         Representative McReynolds moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Change 
                Average Number of Days for Individual License Issuance  
                Add the target of 180 days for the new efficiency measure  
                   each year. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Board of Dental Examiners 
         Representative Gallego moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Documentation and Record Keeping rider (Gallego #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Insurance 
         Representative Eiland moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                State Support for NCOIL Activities rider (Eiland #1) 
           Article XI 
                Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Board of Chiropractic Examiners 
         Representative Glaze moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Salary Supplementation. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         State Office of Administrative Hearings 
         (Representative West, George "Buddy" in chair.) 
         Representative Allen moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds to complete Phase 2 of the new automated Case  
                   Management System. 
           Technical Changes 
                Amend the Public Utility Commission interagency contract  
                   amounts in Rider 2. 
                Contingent Appropriation for H.B. 1618 rider (Allen #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         (Representative Junell in chair.) 
         Public Utility Commission 
         Representative Pitts moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                A decrease in System Benefit Funds to be distributed to the  
                   Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 
           Technical Changes 
                Update the appropriation of General Revenue figures in  
                   Rider 7. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Office of the Governor 
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Emergency Management Fund 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the Governor 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Treatment Alternative to Incarceration Program rider  
                   (Turner #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Agriculture 
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Modified Transfer of Weather Modification Grant Program  
                   rider (Heflin #1) 
           Article XI 
                Contingency for H.B. 788 
                Pecos River Ecosystem Project 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Secretary of State   
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Voter Education Outreach Program 
                Funds for Primary Election Financing 
                Funds for Publication of Notice of Election 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Soil and Water Conservation Board 
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Appropriation: Manure Transportation Reimbursement  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Economic Development 
         Representative Luna moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Coordination of Spaceport Initiative rider (Luna #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         General Services Commission 
         Representative Flores moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation for S.B. 464 
                Contingency FTE Designation for H.B. 1691 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Transportation 
         Representative Pickett moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Public Transportation Financing rider (Pickett #1) 
                District Discretionary Funds rider (Pickett #2) 
                Summer Interns rider (Pickett #3) 
                Agency Coordination with Northside Redevelopment Center  
                   rider (Farrar #4) 
                Community Involvement in Major Investment Studies rider  
                   (Farrar #5) 
                Property Asset Management rider (Flores #6) 
                Waste Tire Recycling rider (Flores #7) 
                Green Ribbon Project Expansion rider (Coleman #8) 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Tourist Information Center 
                Contingent Appropriation: H.B. 682 
                Funds for Automated Registration and Title System 
                Contingency Appropriation for S.B. 298 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 
         Representative Luna moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Capital Budget Increases 
                A transfer of a portion of the in System Benefit Fund from  
                   Public Utility Commission for Energy Assistance  
                Housing Assistance rider (Luna #1) 
                Ex Parte Contracts rider (Gallego #2) 
                Revised Capital Budget rider (Luna #3) 
                Contingent Revenue rider (Pitts #4) 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Colonia Set-Aside Program Allocation 
                Funds for Texas Bootstrap Loan Program 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Water Development Board 
         Representative Puente moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation: Colonia Self-help Program 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 3017 
                Funds for Colonia Reassessment of Water-Wastewater Needs 
                Contingency Appropriation H.B. 3096 
                Water Studies Funding 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Historical Commission 
         Representative Pickett moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Pearce Civil War Collection 
                Adopt-a-Cemetery Program 
                Sale of Land from Repealed Constitutional Provisions 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         State Advisory Commission on Emergency Communications 
         Representative Pickett moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI  
                Appropriation of 9-1-1 Services Fee Account rider #1 
                Appropriation of 9-1-1 Services Fee Account rider #2 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 
         (Representative Gutierrez now present.) 
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Commercial Fishery License Fees rider (Eiland #1) 
                Radio Systems rider (Allen #2) 
                Oyster-Bed Leases rider (Eiland #3) 
                Appropriation of Receipts out of General Revenue-Dedicated  
                   Accounts rider (Heflin #4) 
                Limitation on Travel outside of Texas rider (Gallego #5) 
           Article XI 
                Reporting Requirements: Capital Equipment; FTEs; and Game  
                   Warden Academies. 
                Federal Funds Notification 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission 
         Representative Puente moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Waste Tire Recycling rider (Puente #1) 
                Leon Watershed Monitoring rider (Delisi #2) 
                Operating Permit Fee rider (Puente #3) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Workforce Commission 
         (Representative West, George "Buddy" in chair.) 
         Representative Luna moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                At-Risk Child Care funds for the biennium. 
           Technical Changes 
                Appropriation: Proprietary Schools Rider 8 - (language  
                Quality Initiatives by the Texas Workforce Commission rider  
                   (Luna #1) 
           Article XI      
                Funds for At-Risk Child Care 
                Contingency for H.B. 1187 
                Funds for Adult Bilingual Curriculum Center 
                Internet Solutions for Childcare facilities 
                High Wage Incentive Program 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Information Resources 
         Representative Pickett moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Development of a Statewide Licensing Agreement rider (Pitts  
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 2595 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         (Representative Junell in chair.) 
         State Office of Risk Management 
         Representative Heflin moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Training Related to Workplace Violence 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Article IX 
         (Senator Ellis, Rodney now present.)(Representative Keffer, Jim  
         now present.) 
         Representative Gallego moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes: 
           Subcommittee Recommendations 
                Require LBB notification before settlement of major  
           Salary Recommendations 
                SAO's recommended changes to the State Classification Plan  
                   with no funding for reallocations unless already  
                   approved in targeted pay raises. 
                SAO's recommendation for increasing the maximum ranges of  
                   certain salary groups in Salary Schedule A and B. 
                Targeted Pay Raises for certain classifications within the  
                   following agencies: 
                     Texas Veterans Commission 
                     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation 
                     Department of Protective and Regulatory Services 
                     State Law Library 
                     Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission 
                     Water Development Board 
                     Department of Banking 
                     Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner 
                     Savings and Loan Department 
                     Credit Union Department 
                     Department of Insurance 
                     Texas Workers' Compensation Commission 
           Technical Changes 
                Strike Section 9.03  
                Salary Limits rider (Gallego #1) 
                Retention Bonuses rider (Gallego #2) 
                Per Diem of Board or Commission Members rider (Gallego #3) 
                Milage Reimbursement Rate rider (Gallego #4) 
                Meals and Lodging Reimbursement Rate rider (Gallego #5) 
                Limitation on Agency Travel Expenses rider (Gallego #6) 
                Emergency Contingency Reserve rider (Gallego #7) 
                Court Representation and Outside Legal Counsel rider  
                   (Gallego #8) 
                General Provisions, Proposed Rider Amendment to Capital  
                   Budget Transfer Limits rider (Gallego #9) 
                State Health Programs Drug Manufacture Rebates rider (Maxey  
                Full Application for Health Coverage rider (Maxey #11) 
                Completion of Memorandum of Understanding Regarding  
                   Transition Services for Students with Disabilities  
                   rider (Maxey #12) 
                Purchasing of Pharmaceuticals rider (Maxey #13) 
                State Agency Communication with Employees Regarding the  
                   State Kids Insurance Program (SKIP) rider (Maxey #14) 
                Travel for Disasters rider (Eiland #15) 
                Article III Special Provisions for the School for the Blind  
                   and School for the Deaf: Classification of Residential  
                   Staff rider (Gallego #16) 
                Lost Property rider (Gallego #17) 
                Notification to Members of Legislature Regarding Press  
                   Release rider (West #18) 
                Salary Adjustment Recommendations rider (Maxey #19) 
         (Article IX is Continued after recess) 
         At 9:44 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was recessed until adjournment of the House, March  
         22, 2001. 
         The committee reconvened at 1:07 p.m. and was called to order by  
         the chair, Representative Junell. The roll was answered as  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Coleman;  
                   Delisi; Giddings; Glaze; Hochberg; Janek; King, Tracy;  
                   Maxey; McReynolds; Moreno, Paul; Mowery; Pitts;  
                   Turner, Sylvester (15). 
         Absent:   Representatives Allen; Eiland; Farrar; Flores;  
                   Gallego; Gutierrez; Hamric; Heflin; Luna, Vilma;  
                   Pickett; Puente; Smith (12). 
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Article IX Continued 
         (Representative Eiland now present.)(Representative Gutierrez  
         now present.)(Representative Heflin now present.)(Representative  
         Puente now present.)(Representative Gallego now  
         present.)(Representative Pickett now present.)(Representative  
         Luna, Vilma now present.)(Representative Flores now  
         present.)(Representative Lewis, Glenn now present.) 
           Article XI 
                Contingent Appropriation to the Texas Department of Human  
                   Services for Payment of August 2003 Nursing Home  
                Contingent Appropriation to the Texas Department of Health  
                   for Payment of August 2003 Premiums 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 2427 
         Without objection the motion was adopted. 
         Juvenile Probation Commission 
         (Representative Hamric now present.) 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds for specialized caseloads that address mentally  
                   impaired juveniles. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Public Safety 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds to purchase vehicles.  
                Replacement of General Revenue with Fugitive Apprehension  
                Radio Systems rider (Allen #1) 
           Article XI 
                Funding for Sex Offender Neighborhood Notification Program. 
                Contingency Rider for H.B. 588 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Criminal Justice 
         (Representative Farrar now present.)(Representative Allen now  
                Inmate Phone System rider (Gallego #1) 
           Revision of Performance Measure Targets 
                Support Services Cost Per Inmate Day 
                Medical Care Cost Per Inmate Day 
           Article XI 
                Granting the TDCJ Authority Over the Managed Correctional  
                   Healthcare System 
                Funds for Bexar County Criminal Diversion Pilot Program 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 2427 
                Funds for InnerChange Freedom Initiative 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 1617 
                Funds for Providing Sexual Protection for Inmates 
                Funds for Improved Managed Health Care for Female Inmates 
                Procedures for Confidential Attorney-Inmate Telephone Calls 
                Distribution of Funds for Texas Council on Offenders with  
                   Mental Impairments 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Office of the Attorney General 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Internet Bureau 
                Funds for Foster Parent Recruitment and Training Program 
                Litigation of Tobacco Settlement Legal Fees 
         Judiciary Section, Comptroller's Department 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 178 
                Contingency Appropriation: 100 Percent Pay for Visiting  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Supreme Court of Texas 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Unclaimed Property held by an Attorney 
         Without objection the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Youth Commission 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Revised Performance Measure Targets 
                Capacity Cost in Correctional Programs Per Youth Day 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Adjutant General's Department 
         Representative Turner moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Revised Performance Measure Targets 
                Total Maintenance Cost Per Square Foot of All Buildings 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Article XII - Tobacco 
         (Representative Villarreal, Michael now present.) 
         Representative Janek moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Technical Changes 
                Modify Rider 8, Limitation of Use of Funds 
                Estimated Appropriation and Unexpended Balance - Higher  
                   Education Funds rider (Janek #1) 
           Article XI 
                Funds for contingency rider for H. B. 3572, for  
                   establishing a cord blood bank 
                Funds for Tobacco Education and Prevention programs at  
                   Texas Department of Health 
                Funds for medical clinics in under served areas 
                Funds for El Milagro Community Oriented Primary Care Clinic  
                   in Hildago County 
                Nursing Shortage rider, to be funded out of proceeds from  
                   the Permanent Fund for Nursing Allied Health 
                Funds for the University Breast Care Center at Texas Tech -  
                   El Paso 
                Funds to establish a Center for Research on Minority Health  
                   Disparities at University of Texas at El Paso 
                Funds for the Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 515, Permanent Fund for  
                   Veterans Care 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Health and Human Services Commission 
         Representative Eiland moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Enhanced Federal Match for Border Programs rider (Eiland  
                Article XII: Appropriation of Additional Tobacco Funds  
                   rider (Eiland #2) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Health 
         Representative Coleman moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Amended Business Improvement Plan rider (Coleman #1) 
                Medicaid Subrogation Receipts rider (Eiland #2) 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Rider for H.B. 251, Relating to Certification  
                   of Food Managers 
                Change in Method of Finance: swap federal Blood Alcohol  
                   Content grant money with Department of Transportation  
                   Fund 006 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation 
         Representative Janek moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Measure to report the number of persons with mental  
                   retardation waiting for admission to a state school  
                   campus and the length of time persons with mental  
                   retardation wait for admission to a state school  
                Enhanced Equity rider (Janek #1) 
           Article XI      
                Waco Center for Youth rider 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Rehabilitation Commission 
         Representative Maxey moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Denial Rates for Social Security Disability Insurance and  
                   Supplemental Security Income rider (Coleman #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 
         Representative Maxey moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Interagency Contract Funding for Regional Specialists  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Department of Protective and Regulatory Services 
         Representative Maxey moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                New Performance reporting requirements for The Texas  
                   Department of Protective and Regulatory Services to  
                   report as non-key on a quarterly basis the Child  
                   Protective Services caseworkers and caseloads. 
                Revised Capital Budget rider (Maxey #1) 
           Article XI 
                Funds for At-Risk Prevention Services 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Cancer Council 
         Representative Coleman moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Add two key performance measures. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
         Representative Janek moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Appropriate Additional Federal Funding rider (Janek #1) 
                MDMA/Ecstasy Risk Awareness Campaign rider (Delisi #2) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Article II Special Provisions 
         Representative Glaze moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes: 
                Enterprise Administrative System rider (Glaze #1) 
           Article XI 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1094 for state coverage of  
                   prescriptions for certain Medicare beneficiaries. 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1615 relating to Medicaid  
                   reimbursement for telemedicine services 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1921 for continuation of  
                   adoption assistance 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 2284 for elimination of the  
                   assets test for Medicaid eligibility for certain  
                   Medicare beneficiaries 
                Contingency rider for Implementing Medicaid Eligibility  
                   Simplification for Children 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Higher Education Coordinating Board 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Targets and determination of key/non-key status of TEXAS  
                   grant measures. 
                Measures and targets for the percentage of high school  
                   graduates attending college by ethnic category. 
                Targets to update current TEXAS grant and Teach for Texas  
                   key measures. 
                Strategic Plan for Teacher Certification rider (Turner #1) 
                Admission Referral System Pilot Program rider (Hochberg #2) 
                General Academic Development Education Accountability Pilot  
                   Program rider (Hochberg #3) 
                Community and Technical College Developmental Education  
                   Accountability Pilot Program rider (Hochberg #4) 
                Graduate and Post Graduate Medical Education Task Force  
                   rider (Delisi #5) 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Chiropractic Colleges 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 152 
                Funds for African American Museum Professional Internship  
                Funds for Border Faculty Loan Repayment Program 
                Developmental Education rider 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         General Academic Institutions 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           University of Texas - Dallas 
                     Contingency rider: Sale of land from Repealed  
                        Constitutional Provisions rider (Giddings #1) 
           Texas Southern University 
                Performance Measure Changes 
                     Increase the target for retention of first-time,  
                        full-time degree-seeking freshman students 
                     Texas Commitment - OCR Priority Plan rider (Hochberg  
                     OCR Priority Plan Reporting Requirements rider  
                        (Hochberg #2) 
           Prairie View A&M University 
                Performance Measure Changes    
                     Increase the target for retention of first-time,  
                        full-time degree-seeking freshman students 
                     Texas Commitment - OCR Priority Plan rider (Hochberg  
                     OCR Priority Plan Reporting Requirements rider  
                        (Hochberg #2) 
           Texas Tech University 
                Fiscal Changes 
                     Funds for Small Business Development Center 
                     Funds for International Trade Center 
                Technical Changes 
                     Adjust the FTEs by adding 70 in each year of the  
           Article XI 
                UT Austin: Contingency for H.B. 2436 
                UT Austin: U.S. Latino and Latina World War II Oral History  
                UT Austin: Center for Estuarine and Coastal Studies in  
                UT Dallas: Contingency appropriation for research 
                UT Pan American: Premedical Honors Program 
                UT San Antonio: Increase funding for the Small Business  
                   Development Center 
                UT San Antonio: Institute for Law and Public Affairs 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 1716 
                Texas A&M Kingsville: Agricultural and Research Center 
                Texas A&M Commerce: Student Agricultural Enterprises 
                Sul Ross: Texas Rural Hispanic Leadership and College  
                   Preparedness Initiative 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Health Related Institutions 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Technical Changes 
                Revisions to previously adopted technical changes. 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Adjust performance measure and targets for UT Medical  
                   Branch at Galveston 
                Adjust performance measure and targets for University of  
                   North Texas Health Science Center 
                Amend Rider #1, Medical Program, for Texas A&M University  
                   System Health Science Center rider (Delisi #1) 
                University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort  
                   Worth: Parking Garage Debt Service rider (Hochberg #2) 
           Article XI 
                UT Health Science Center San Antonio: Podiatry Residency  
                   Training Program 
                UT Health Science Center San Antonio: Medical Technology 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Two-year Institutions 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Update infrastructure allocations. 
                Texas State Technical College: Flight Log Reporting  
                   Requirements rider (Gallego #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         A&M Research and Service Agencies 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Update infrastructure funding 
                Redistribute Capital Equity and Excellence funds currently  
                   appropriated to all A&M research and service agencies  
                   to make allocations for the Texas Veterinary Medical  
                   Laboratory and the Texas Wildlife Damage Management  
                Texas Agricultural Experiment Station: Environmental  
                   Quality Research rider Hochberg #1) 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation H.B. 2604: Rural Volunteer Fire  
                   Department Assistance Program 
                Texas Agricultural Experiment Station: Agriculture/Wildlife  
                   Environmental Research Initiative. 
                Texas Wildlife Damage management Service: Feral Hog  
                Texas Forest Service: West Texas Nursery 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Special Provisions Relating to Higher Education 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
                Status of Endowed Chairs at General Academic Institutions  
                   rider (Gallego #1) 
                Inventory Performance Measures rider (Gutierrez #2) 
                Amend Sec. 6 (8) (b) Appropriation Expenditure  
                   Authorization rider (Hochberg #3) 
           Article XI 
                Contingency Appropriation H.B. 1014: Retirement  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Education Agency 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Reduce Funds in Strategy A.3.3., Improving Performance 
                Spread over two years the textbook appropriation from the  
                   Available School Fund 
                Increase funding in Strategy A.1.1., Academic Excellence,  
                   for the AP/IB program 
                Increase funding in Strategy C.1.1., Accountability  
                   Operations, for monitoring and accountability. 
                Increase funding for Adult Education 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Target: Percent of DAEPs Meeting All Accountability  
                Increase targets for the percent of eligible students  
                   taking AP/IB exams to reflect increase in program  
                Contingency for H.B. 704, relating ro Careers to Classrooms  
                   rider (Delisi #1) 
                Amendment to Rider #37, Adult Education rider (Hochberg #2) 
                Adult Education Accountability rider (Coleman #3) 
                Amendment to Rider #56, Texas Reading Initiative rider  
                   (Delisi #4) 
                Amendment to Rider #70, Matching Funds for Library  
                   Purchases rider (Giddings #5) 
                Amendment to Rider #28, Texas Advanced Placement Incentive  
                   Program rider (Hochberg #6) 
                Training for the Recommended High School Program rider  
                   (Hochberg #7) 
                High Cost Reimbursement Grant Program rider (Hochberg #8) 
                Amend Rider #54, School Improvement and Parental  
                   Involvement Initiative rider (Hochberg #9) 
                Appropriation of Repealed Constitutional Funds rider  
                   (Mowery #10) 
                Withdraw previously adopted amendment to Rider #30,  
                   Investment Capital Fund. 
           Article XI 
                Funds for Windham Schools 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 3485 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 3494 
                Amend Rider #30, Investment Capital Fund 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 491 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1438 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1475 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         State Board for Educator Certification 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Article XI 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1475 
                Contingency rider for H.B. 1310 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Add federal funding for short-term intensive services and  
                   technology assistance. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Teachers Retirement System 
         Representative Hochberg moved to add the following changes to  
         previously adopted recommendations: 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Targets for Average Customer Hold Time for Calls Received  
                   on Toll-free Number (in minutes) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board 
         Representative Hochberg moved the adoption of LBB  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         At 3:20 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Junell, Chair 
         Darshoel Willis, Clerk