Finance Committee
(Subcommittee on Tobacco Settlement Proceeds)
April 20, 2000-9:00A  

Analysis of Legal Issues
   On:      Taylor, Andy (Office of the Attorney General), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Benoit, Brent (Office of the Attorney General), Austin

            Browning, Mark (Office of the Attorney General), Austin

Analysis of Proceed Adjustments
   On:      Iberg, Cathy (U.T. Investment Management Company (UTIMCO)),

            LeBas, James (Comptroller's Office), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ferguson, Dean V. (Comptroller's Office), Austin

Statement of Expenditures
   On:      Feigin, Dr.Ralph D. (Baylor College of Medicine), Houston