Intergovernmental Relations Committee
April 14, 1999-8:30A  

HB 957
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Sawyer, Gary (TX Reserve Law Officer's Assoc.), Dallas

SB 464
   FOR:     Brereton, Thomas F. (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San

            Peterson, Larry (Himself), El Paso

   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Boethel, Carey (Dir. of Gov. Relations, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Farmer, Roshunda (Gov. Relations Manager, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Mercer, Gary (Mayor, Hollywood Park), Hollywood Park

            Seale, Sam (Executive Dir., TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

SB 675
   FOR:     Aguilar, Carlos (County Commissioner, El Paso Co.), El Paso

            Falcone, Ernani (Chairman, Northwest Neighborhood Alliance),
                        San Antonio

            Guerra, Joe A. (Councilmember, Citizens for the Right to
                        Vote), Laredo

            Krier, Cyndi Taylor (County Judge, Bexar Co.), San Antonio

            McNabb, Charles (City Attorney, City of El Paso), El Paso

            Peak, Howard (Mayor, San Antonio), San Antonio

            Peterson, Larry (Himself), El Paso

            Sinkin, William (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San Antonio

            Wender, Marty (The Greater San Antonio Chamber), San Antonio

            Wilson, E. Duane (President, North San Antonio Chamber of
                        Commerce), San Antonio

   AGAINST: Boethel, Carey (Dir. of Gov. Relations, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

   ON:      Brereton, Thomas F (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San

            Cook, Gordon W. (Rio Grande COG), El Paso

   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Farmer, Roshunda (Gov. Relations Manager, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Seale, Sam (Executive Dir., TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

SB 712
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Barton, Jeff (Land Owner), Buda

            Igo, Shanna (Dir. of Legislative Services, T.M.L.), Austin

SB 825
   FOR:     Mixon, Carl (Fire Marshal, Bexar Co.), San Antonio

   ON:      Davis, Mike (State Fire Marshall, TX Dept. of Insurance),

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cain, Randy (TX Fire Chiefs Assoc.), Austin

            Glover, Sue (TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

            Lee, Donald (Executive Dir., TX Conference of Urban Counties),

            Walker, Helen (Victoria Co. Judge, Co. Judges-Commissioners
                        Assoc of TX), Austin

SB 896
   FOR:     Settle, Charles (Asst. Director, City of Houston-Department of
                        Public Works), Houston

SB 939
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cain, Randy (TX Fire Chiefs Assoc.), Austin

            Davis, Chester (President, American Fireworks), Bastrop

            Glover, Sue (TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

            Mixon, Carl (Fire Marshal, Bexar Co.), San Antonio

            Stearns, Zachary (TX Pyrotechnic Assoc.), Bastrop

            Walker, Helen (Victoria Co., County Judges & Commissioners
                        Assoc. of TX), Austin

SB 1112
   FOR:     Henneberger, John (Co-Director, TX Low Income Housing
                        Information Service), Austin

   ON:      Stiner, Daisy (Executive Dir., TX Dept of Housing and
                        Community Affairs), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Briesemeister, Janee (Consumer's Union), Austin

            Cain, Randy (City of El Paso), Austin

            Escobar, Bonnie (Vice President, Greater El Paso Chamber of
                        Commerce), El Paso

            Mintz, David (TX Apartment Assoc.), Austin

   On:      Hendrix, Scott (TX Comptroller of Public Accounts), Austin

            Morris, Pam (TX Dept. of Housing & Community Affairs), Austin

            Stewart, Brent (Director, TX Dept. of Housing & Community
                        Affairs), Austin

SB 1118
   ON:      Robinson, Jim (Chief Appraiser, Harris Co. Appraisal
                        District), Houston

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cartwright, Ross (Himself), Angleton

            Cornett, Ray (Tax Assessor Collectors Assoc., Brazoria Co.),

            Gaines, Marsha (Tax Assessor, Tax Assessor Assoc.), Richmond

            Tidwell, Sandy (Tax Assessor, Tax Assessor Collector's
                        Assoc.), Granbury

SB 1119
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cartwright, Ross (Himself), Angleton

            Cornett, Ray (Brazoria Co. Tax Assessor, Tax-Assessor
                        Collector's Assoc.), Angleton

            Gaines, Marsha (Tax Assessor, Tax Assessor Assoc.), Richmond

            Tidwell, Sandy (Tax Assessor, Tax Assessor-Collector's
                        Assoc.), Granbury

SB 1166
   FOR:     Mercer, Gary (Mayor, Hollywood Park), San Antonio

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Hansen, Don (TX Hotel & Motel Assoc.), Austin

            Igo, Shanna (Dir. of Legislative Services, T.M.L.), Austin

SB 1257
   FOR:     Last, Greg (Community Development Dir., City of Southlake),

SB 1268
   FOR:     Douglas, Joan (Sr. Asst. City Attorney, Mayor and City Council
                        of Houston), Houston

            Link, Beatrice (Deputy Director, City of Houston), Houston

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Igo, Shanna (Dir. of Legislative Services, T.M.L.), Austin

SB 1279
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Buchholtz, Bill (Executive Director, Bexar Metro 9-1-1
                        Network), San Antonio

SB 1387
   FOR:     Stewart, Brent (Director, TX Department of Housing & Community
                        Affairs,), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Briesemeister, Janee (Consumer's Union), Austin

            Escobar, Bonnie (V.P., Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce),
                        El Paso

            Henneberger, John (Co-Director, TX Low Income Houstin Info.),

SB 1389
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Davis, Denise (TX Judicial Council), Austin

SB 1401
   FOR:     Hutcheson, Mark (TX Assoc. of Property Tax Professionals),

SB 1405
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Anderson, Scott (Administrator, North Runnels Hospital),

            Claymon, Jennifer (North Runnels Co. Hospital Dist.), Austin

            Walker, Craig (Dir. Govn. Relations, TX Organization of Rural
                        & Comm. Hospital), Austin

SB 1498
   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Wood, Jerry (City of Houston), Houston

SB 1541
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Foster, Sabrina (City of Houston), Houston

            Holmes, Fred (Board Chair, Houston Municipal Pension System),

            Sanders, Stephen (President, Houston Police Patrolmen's
                        Union), Houston

SB 1542
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Doss, Larry (Chairman, Houston Police Pension System), Houston

            Elkin, Bill (Executive Director, Houston Police Retired
                        Officers Assoc.), Houston

            Foster, Sabrina (City of Houston), Houston

            Lawson, John (Executive Director, Houston Police Officers
                        Pension System), Houston

            Lyons, Steve (Lt., Houston Police Department), Houston

            Marticivc, Hans (President, Houston Police Officers' Union),

            McNeil, Carvel "Corky" (Legislative Chairman, Houston Police
                        Patrolmen's Union), Houston

SB 1666
   FOR:     Adame, Renee (Asst. Director, Galveston Park Board of
                        Trustees), Galveston

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Hansen, Don (Exec. V.P., TX Hotel & Motel Assoc.), Austin

            Randolf, Robert (Partner, Galveston Beach Parks Board),

SB 1684
   FOR:     Page, Michael (Attorney, Town Center Improvement Dist.), The

            Smith, Brian (Executive Dir., East Montgomery Co. Improvement
                        District), New Caney

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Cubillas, Leon (Superintendent, Splendora ISD), Splendora

            Ray, Kevin (Chairman, Community Chamber of Commerce), Porter

            Smith, Mike (President, Rotary Club of East Montgomery Co.),

            Tobias, Tommy (Grants Writer, Montgomery Co. Pct. 4
                        Commissioner), New Caney

            Wetz, Fred (Board Pres., East Montgomery Co. Improvement
                        Dist.), Porter

SB 1782
   FOR:     Claymon, Jennifer (McCulloch Co. Hospital Dist), Austin

            Walker, Craig (Dir. Govn. Relations, TX Organization of Rural
                        & Comm. Hospital), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     McCord, Windell (CEO, McCulloch Co. Hospital Dist.), Brady

SB 1807
   FOR:     Blair, Nelda Luce (Herself), The Woodlands

            Page, Michael G. (Attorney, Town Center Improvement Dist.),
                        The Woodlands

            Robb, Ed (Reverend, The Woodlands United Methodist Church),
                        The Woodlands

            Robinson, Frank (Executive Dir., Town Center Improvement
                        District), The Woodlands

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Blair, Jim (Himself), The Woodlands

            Cooke, Walter (South Montgomery Woodlands Chamber of
                        Commerce), The Woodlands

            Deretchin, Joel (President, The Woodlands Assoc.), The

            Louie, Gary (City of Oak Ridge North), Spring

            Stout, Bob (Director Gov. Relations, The Woodlands Operating
                        Co. L.P.), The Woodlands

            Wagner, Freiderick (Councilman, City of Oak Ridge North), Oak
                        Ridge North

SB 1839
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Davis, Don (County Attorney, Oldham Co.), Vega

   On:      Krampitz, Tom (Executive Director, TX District & County
                        Attorney's Assoc.), Austin

   FOR:     Peterson, Larry (El Paso Delegation), El Paso

   ON:      Brereton, Thomas (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San Antonio

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Aguilar, Carlos (County Commissioner, El Paso Co.), El Paso

            McNabb, Charles (City Attorney, City of El Paso), El Paso

   Against: Boethel, Carey (Dir. Governmental Relations, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Farmer, Roshunda (Gov. Relations Manager, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Mercer, Gary (Mayor, Hollywood Park), Hollywood Park

            Pardue, Craig (Governmental Affairs, Dallas Co.), Dallas

            Seale, Sam (Exec. Dir., TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

   On:      Cook, Gordon W. (Rio Grande COG), El Paso

SJR 25
   FOR:     Aguilar, Carlos (County Commissioner, El Paso Co.), El Paso

            Falcone, Ernani (Northwest Neighborhood Alliance), San Antonio

            Guerra, Joe A. (Councilmember, Citizens for the Right to
                        Vote), Laredo

            Krier, Cyndi Taylor (County Judge, Bexar Co.), San Antonio

            McNabb, Charles (City Attorney, City of El Paso), El Paso

            Peak, Howard (Mayor, City of San Antonio), San Antonio

            Peterson, Larry (Himself), El Paso

            Sinkin, William (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San Antonio

            Wender, Marty (The Greater San Antonio Chamber), San Antonio

            Wilson, E. Duane (President, North San Antonio Chamber of
                        Commerce), San Antonio

   AGAINST: Boethel, Carey (TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

   ON:      Brereton, Thomas F. (Citizens for the Right to Vote), San

            Cook, Gordon W. (Rio Grande COG), El Paso

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Shea, Melissa (Asst. Director, Common Cause of TX), Austin

   Against: Cartwright, Ross (Himself), Angleton

            Cornett, Ray (Tax Assessor Brazoria Co., TX Tax Assessor
                        Collector Assoc.), Angleton

            Farmer, Roshunda (Govn. Relations Manager, TX Assoc. of
                        Counties), Austin

            Keller, Dorothy (Tax Assessor Collector, Tax Assessor
                        Collectors Assoc.), Lufkin

            Pardue, Craig (Governmental Affairs, Dallas Co.), Dallas

            Seale, Sam (Executive Dir., TX Assoc. of Counties), Austin

            Skeen, Buddy (Tax Assessor Collector, Tax Assessor Collector
                        Assoc.), Lufkin

            Tidwell, Sandy (Tax Assessor, Tax Assessor Collectors Assoc.),