NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Intergovernmental Relations

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or upon adjournment
             Friday, May 14, 1999

PLACE: E1.028

CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla

To Consider the Following:

HB 1563            Bosse                    SP: Lindsay
Relating to prohibiting the recording of a plat or replat of a
subdivision of real property if ad valorem taxes are delinquent.

HB 1666            Green                    SP: Armbrister
Relating to the operation of the Nixon Hospital District of
Gonzales and Wilson Counties, Texas, and Gonzales Healthcare

HB 2822            Deshotel                 SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the fees charged by a county clerk for probate filings.

HB 2890            Bonnen                   SP: Madla
Relating to the report, delivery, and claims process for unclaimed
property held by certain local governments.
