NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Intergovernmental Relations

TIME & DATE:  9:00AM, Wednesday, February 17, 1999

PLACE: E1.028

CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla

To Consider the Following:

SB 179            Shapiro
Relating to the redesignation of County Court at Law No. 1 of
Collin County as Probate Court of Collin County.

SB 181            Shapiro
Relating to the creation of a county court at law in Collin County.

SB 189            Ogden
Relating to the election of the members of the board of directors
of the Burleson County Hospital District.

SB 212            Duncan
Relating to the location of entrance examinations for beginning
positions in fire or police departments.

SB 264            Duncan
Relating to the probationary period for a police officer under the
municipal civil service law.

SB 269            Duncan
Relating to the dissolution of certain economic development

SB 336            Madla
Relating to certain lump-sum payments that are part of a county
employee's compensation.

SB 337            Madla
Relating to the distribution of the proceeds of a property tax
foreclosure sale.

SB 417            Lindsay
Relating to the reporting duties of emergency services districts
and rural fire prevention districts.


SB 203            Carona
Relating to the restrictions on political activities of full-time
employees of a county elections administrator's office.
