Saturday, April 15, 2000 
                                     9:00 a.m. 
                              Dallas Convention Center 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Redistricting  
         was held on Saturday, April 15, 2000, in the Dallas Convention  
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Troy Fraser                     Senator Robert Duncan 
         Senator Mario Gallegos, Jr.             Senator Steve Ogden 
         Senator Gonzalo Barrientos 
         Senator Mike Jackson 
         Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. 
         Senator Frank Madla 
         Senator Jane Nelson 
         Senator Florence Shapiro 
         Senator Royce West 
         The chair called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.  There being  
         a quorum present, the following business was transacted:   
         The following people testified on Redistricting:                                                   
                   Alcoren, Lee (Dallas NAACP Branch), Grand Prairie                                                      
                   Arreguin, Melissa M. (self), Dallas                  
              Arreguin, Valentin (self), Dallas                    
              Beverly, Mike (self), Duncanville                    
              Black, Albert (self), Dallas  
              Dixon, Pauline (self), Dallas                                   
              Flores, Hector M. (LULAC), Duncanville                          
              Garcia, Carmen (self), Dallas                                   
              Garcia, Rep. Domingo (Representative House District 104),       
              Gee, Bobbye (self), Mesquite                                    
              Giddings, Rep. Helen (Representative House District 109),  
              Gomez, Maria (self), Dallas  
              Gosslee, Susybelle (League of Women Voters Dallas), Dallas       
              Gutierrez, David (self), Irving                                  
              Hebert, J. Gerald (IMPAC 2000), Washington D.C.                  
              Herrera, Roger (self), Dallas                                    
              Hill, Donald W. (Constituents of Dallas City Council,  
                             5-Council Member), Dallas                            
              Jackson, Teri (City of Grand Prairie, City Council Member),      
                             Grand Prairie                                        
              Jasso, Juan (self, Justice of the Peace, Pct. 6 Place 2),  
              Johnson, E.B. (self), Dallas                                  
              Kinsler, Christy (self), Dallas                               
              Korbel, George (Texas Mexican American Caucus), San Antonio   
              Lawson, Henry T. (self), Dallas                               
              Leos, Kathleen (self, DISD Trustee District 8), Dallas        
              Lichtman, Dr. Allan (self), Washington D.C.                   
              Lopez, Ramiro (HACE), Dallas                                  
              Loza, John (self, Dallas City Councilman), Dallas   
              May, Joe (self), Dallas                                    
              McMullen, Tim (self), Dallas                               
              Medrano, Francisco (self), Dallas                          
              Milem, John (self), Dallas                                 
              Milliken, Michael (self), Dallas                           
              Nevaquaya, Verwyn Lou (self), Dallas                       
              Plata, Jose (self), Dallas                                 
              Price, John Wiley (District 3 Dallas County), Dallas   
              Richards, Judy (City of Duncanville, City Councilmember),    
              Rizo, Frances (Tejano Democrats, 23rd Senatorial District),  
              Sampson, Demetris (Political Congress of African American    
                       Women), Dallas                                   
              Sepulveda, Luis D. (self, my wife, my two sons and Jessica   
                       Daughter), Dallas                                
              Ware, Alan (Texas Legislative Council), Austin               
              Washington, Mayor Mary (City of Hutchins), Hutchins          
                   Wiant, Elaine (League of Women Voters of Texas),  
            Registering, but not testifying:                                     
              Alonzo, Diana (Mexican American Democrats), Dallas          
              Alonzo, Monica R. (Mexican American Democrats), Dallas      
              Anchia, Rafael (self), Dallas                               
              Campos, Joe (President of LULAC Council 100), Dallas        
              Casarez, Mario (self), Dallas                               
              Castillo, Aurelio (self, Constable Precinct Six), Dallas    
              Castro, Ralph (self), Dallas                                
              Gilmore, Mary (self), Dallas                                  
              Lopez M., Jorge (Mexican American Democrats), Dallas          
              Lopez, John J. (Mexican American Democrats), Grand Prairie    
              Marrero, Miguel (self), Dallas                                
              Marshall, Anthony L. (self), Dallas                           
              Nicholson, Jerry (M.A.D.), Dallas                             
              Orr, Kenneth H. (self), Dallas                                
              Pena, Pete (self), Dallas                                     
              Perez, Torres Feliciano (Mexican American Democrats),  
              Post, Martha Wright (self), Grand Prairie                       
              Robles, Art (Dallas Hispanic Chamber), Grand Prairie            
              Salas, Jose A. (Mexican American Democrats), Dallas             
              Tompkins, R. Dabney (self), Dallas                              
              Trejo, Marshall (Mexican American Democrats), Grand Prairie     
              Vera, Joel David (Mexican American Democrats), Dallas           
              Woertendyke, Clark (self), Dallas                               
           Written materials submitted:                                          
              George, Rep. Kenn S. (Representative House District 108),  
         There being no further business, at 4:13 p.m. Senator Fraser  
         moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of  
         the chair.  Without objection, it was so ordered.   
         Senator Troy Fraser, Co-chair 
         Senator Mario Gallegos,Co-chair 
         Tara Cowen Rejino, Clerk