Nominations Committee
February 10, 1997-2:00P  

Texas Water Development Board
   For:     Noe Fernandez (himself), Austin

            William Madden (himself), Austin

   Against: Helen Zahn (herself), Corpus Christi

   For:     Barry McBee (himself), Austin

            John Baker (himself), Temple

   Against: Bob Beavers (Lake of the Pines Civic), Jefferson

            Dave Schroeder (himself), Austin

            Erin Rogers (herself), Austin

            Ernest Valle (himself), Round Rock

            Jim Baldauf (Texans United Education), Austin

            Julie Stalcup (herself), Edroy

            Rachel Cleaves (Susan Nugent), Austin

            Richard Abraham (Texans United Education), Houston

            Sparky Anderson (Clean Water Action), Austin

   On:      Jim Schermbeck (Downwinders At Rick), Cedar Hill

            Robert Notzon (himself), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Kirk Mitchell (Save Our Springs), Austin