State Affairs Committee
May 19, 1997-1:00P  

SB 379
   For:     Rep. Junell (Self)

SB 1571
   For:     Norma Soliz (City Public Service)
            Rep. Puente (Self)
   Against: Dwight Thompson (City of Westlake Hills)
            James Koehn (City of Westlake Hills)
   On:      Jess Totten (Public Utility Comm.)
            Mark Davis (East Tx Electric Co-op)
            Pat Wood (Public Utility Comm.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Wayne Callender (City Public Service)
   Against: Diana Liebmann (Brownsville Pub. Util.)
   On:      John Meyer (Self)

SB 1578
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Don Brown (Tx Higher Ed Coord. Bd.)