Judicial Affairs Committee
March 19, 1997-2:00P  

HB 1516
   On:      Deanna Tidwell, Sprvsr (self&Missing Persons)
            Rick Bays (Tx Department of Health)

child abduction
   On:      Alicia Lopez dela Torre (self Mexican Fed Sen)
            Atty Gen. Dan Morales (self)
            Carlos Diaz DeLeon (Attny Gen. of Mexico)
            Deanna Tidwell,Supervsr (Missing PersonClearghse)
            Lourdes Carrizales (Found.Abducted Children)
            Melanie Headrick (Santa Clara DA's office)
            Reyna Xochitl Gonzalez (Found Locate Missng Chd)
            Roberto Canseco (DeputyConsul Gen.Mexico)