Environmental Regulation Committee
March 11, 1997-2:00P  

HB 1007
   For:     Bartley, Joe (himself)
            Carman, Neil (Sierra Club)
            Christianson, Don E. (himself)
            Coffey, Carrie (SWAT)
            Horton, Norma G. (SWAT)
            Hubener, Ann (herself)
            Jones, Rep. Jesse (himself)
            Massey, Cheryl (herself)
            Paduch, Kristen (herself)
            Phillips, Kim (Texas PTA)
            Pittman, Susan S. (The Chemical Connection)
            Pope, Sue (herself)
            Richards, Judy (City of Duncanville)
            Risinger, Mary (herself)
            Rivers, Jeanne M. (herself)
            Roten, Merle (himself)
            Schermbeck, Jim (Downwinders at Risk)
            Shaw, Larry (City of Duncanville)
            Thomason, Wade (Am. Lung Assn. of Tx.)
            Tinker, Dierdre (Cockrell Hill Elem. PTA)
            Vacoby, Charline (herself)
            Williams, Margaret M. (herself)
   Against: Fisher, Jon (Texas Chemical Council)
            Jones, D.R. (Randy) (Texas Industries)
            Mayes, Greg L. (Texas Industries)
            Miksa, Mary (TABCC)
            Stewart, Mike (Tx Aggregate & Concrete)
            Tiemeyer, Eric (Texas Industries)
   On:      Saitas, Jeff (TNRCC)
            Shafford, William J. (TNRCC)
            Wiersema, JoAnn (TNRCC)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Anderson, LaNell (herself)
            Castella, Patricia (herself)
            Fraser, Paul (City of New Braunfels)
            James, Reggie (Consumers Union)
            Land, Jewell C. (himself)
            Lott, Linda (herself)
            Marsden, Julia (League of Women Voters)
            Massey, Acacia (herself)
            Sampedro, George (himself)
            Sampedro, Madeline (Downwinders at Risk)
            Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
            Watson, Kirk (himself)

HB 1008
   For:     Carman, Neil (Sierra Club)
            Christianson, Don E. (himself)
            Jones, Rep. Jesse (himself)
            Phillips, Kim (Texas PTA)
            Pittman, Susan S. (The Chemical Connection)
            Richards, Judy (City of Duncanville)
            Rivers, Jeanne M. (herself)
            Schermbeck, Jim (Downwinders at Risk)
            Shaw, Larry (City of Duncanville)
            Thomason, Wade (Am. Lung Assn. of Tx.)
   Against: Fisher, Jon (Texas Chemical Council)
            Jones, D.R. (Randy) (Texas Industries)
            Mayes, Greg L. (Texas Industries)
            Miksa, Mary (TABCC)
            Stewart, Mike (Tx Aggregate & Concrete)
            Tiemeyer, Eric (Texas Industries)
   On:      Saitas, Jeff (TNRCC)
            Shafford, Wiliam J. (TNRCC)
            Wiersema, JoAnn (TNRCC)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Anderson, LaNell (herself)
            Castella, Patricia (herself)
            Fraser, Paul (City of New Braunfels)
            James, Reggie (Consumers Union)
            Sampedro, George (himself)
            Sampedro, Madeline (Downwinders at Risk)
            Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)

HB 1228
   On:      Duncan, David (TNRCC)
            Kelly, Mary E. (TCPS)

HB 1239
   For:     Fisher, Jon (Texas Chemical Council)
            Miksa, Mary (TABCC)

HB 1369
   For:     Fisher, Jon (Texas Chemical Council)
            Miksa, Mary (TABCC)
   Against: Carman, Neil (Sierra Club)
            Pittman, Susan S. (The Chemical Connection)
   On:      Duncan, David (TNRCC)
            Kelly, Mary E. (TCPS)

HB 1578
   For:     Uher, Representative (himself)
   Against: Anderson, LaNell (herself)
            Barret, Rob (Harris County)
            Barton, Bob (himslf)
            Carman, Neil (Sierra Club)
            Haseman, Roger A (Harris County DA)
            Kelly, Mary (TCPS)
            Lenz, Carol J. (Harris County)
            Pittman, Susan S. (The Chemical Connection)
            Rawlins, Diana Peoins (herself)
            Starns, Judy (herself)
            Wiley, Cameron P. (himself)
   On:      Vogel, Joe (TNRCC)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Alston, Warren G. (himself)
            James, Reggie (Consumers Union)
            Marsden, Julia (League of Women Voters)
            Sisk, Cathy (Harris County)
            Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)