Elections Committee
April 8, 1997-2:00P  

HB 298
   On:      Melissa Guthrie (TX Comptrollers Office)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty Clk BevKauf)
   Against: Melissa Knippa (VP TASB)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 841
   For:     Frank Culbertson, Jr. (Astronauts)
            Rep. Mike Jackson (author)
            Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty. EA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 936
   For:     Representative Maxey (author)
            Suzy Woodford (Common Cause)
   Against: Bruce Sherbet (Dallas Cty EA)
            Elizabeth Christian (herself)
            James B. Ratliff (Mayor of Garland)
            Melissa Knippa (VP - TASB)
            Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty EA -BevKauf)
   On:      Melissa Guthrie (Tx Cmptrllr Pub Acct)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 1603
   For:     Hannah Riddering (Tx NOW)
            Rep. Ehrhardt (author)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)

HB 1918
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Bruce Sherbet (Dallas Cty EA)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)
            Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty Clk -BevKauf)

HB 2355
   For:     Jesse Romero (MALDEF)
            Representative Maxey (author)
   Against: Bruce Sherbet (Dallas Cty EA)
            Lester Van Pelt (Repub Pty Tx)
   On:      Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)

HB 2712
   For:     Geoffrey Neale (Nat.Cmte. Lib. Pty)
            Kenneth Hardin (Nat. Law Pty)
            Rep. Keffer (author)
            Sandra Bonsell (Nat. Law Pty)
            Steven Klayman (himself)
            Thomas Holmes (Am. Const. Pty.)
   Against: Lester Van Pelt (Repub Pty of Tx)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Stephen Gardipee (Am. Const. Pty)

HB 2784
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 2785
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Steve McDonald (Secy of State)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 2971
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)

HB 3385
   For:     Representative Moreno (author)

SB 82
   For:     Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Suzy Woodford (Common Cause)
            Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty Clk -BevKauf)