Elections Committee
March 11, 1997-2:00P  

HB 324Committee Substitute (days/hours for vote)
   For:     Rep. Glen Maxey (author)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (Collin Cty -Tx Ass EA)
   On:      Melinda Nickless (SOS)

HB 674
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (CollinCtyEA)
            Mary Ann Collins (Repub Pty Tx)
   On:      Andrea Gibbud (BeeCtyTaxAss(f) TACA(a))
            Ranette Wood (City of Garland)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
            Tony Sirvello III (EA Harris Cty)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Cindy Stapper (Secy of State)

HB 753
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (Collin Cty EA TAEA)
            Tony Sirvello III (EA Harris Cty)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Dana DeBeauvoir (Travis Cty Clerk)

HB 927Committee Substitute (early voting proced.)
   For:     Andrea Gibbud (Herself)
            Bruce Sherbet (TAEA)
   On:      Tom Krampitz (TxDist&Cty Att Ass)
            Tony Sirvello III (EA Harris Cty Clerk Off)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     John W. Holtermann (TxSilverHairLege)
   On:      Cindy Stapper (Secy of State)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)

HB 1253
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (CollinCtyEA)
            Rep. Henry Cuellar (author)
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Andrea Gibbud (herself TaxAssCollASS)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)

HB 1257 Committee Substitute (early voting proc.)
   For:     Rep. Henry Cuellar (author)
   On:      Andrea Gibbud (Tax Assessor/coll.Ass)
            Tony Sirvello III (HarrisCtyEA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Edward Martin (Himself)
            John Holtermann (TxSilverHairLeg)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   On:      Cindy Stapper (Secy of State)

HB 1350 Committee Substitute (elig reqrmt clerks)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Dana DeBeauvoir (Travis Cty/CtyClrksAss)
            Tony Sirvello III (Harris Cty Clrk off)
   On:      Elizabeth Hanshaw-Ross (Secy of State)

HB 1351
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   On:      Elizabeth Hanshaw-Ross (Secy of State)

HB 1400 Amendment (sign declare winner)
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (Collin Cty Elect.TAEA)
            Jerry Meadows (Hart Info. Serv.)
            Rep. Barry Telford (author)
            Robert Parten (Himself)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Tony J. Sirvello III (Harris Cty. EA)

HB 1483
   Against: Bruce Sherbet (Dallas Cty Elect Adm)
   On:      Andrea Gibbud (TaxAssCollAss)
            Mary Ann Collins (Repub Pty Tx)
            Robert Parten (himself)
            Tony Sirvello III (Harris Cty Elect Adm)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
   On:      Barbara Brinkmeyer (Tax Asses Coll. Ass.)
            Cindy Stapper (Secy of State)

HB 1645
   For:     Bruce Sherbet (TAEA)
            Tony Sirvello (EA Harris Cty Clerk off)
   On:      Melinda Nickless (Secy of State)

HB 1652 Committee Substitute (conduct/fin primary)
   For:     Bill Bilyeu (Tx Ass EA)
            Rep. Bill Siebert (author)
   On:      Mary Ann Collins (Repub Pty Tx)
            Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
            Tony Sirvello III (CtyClerk/(f) Kaufman(a))
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ann McGeehan (Secy of State)
            Elizabeth Hanshaw-Ross (Secy of State)

HB 1852
   On:      Andrea Gibbud (Bee Cty Tax Ass/Coll)
            Melinda Nickless (Secy of State)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Bruce Sherbet (TAEA)
   On:      Barbara Brinkmeyer (Bee Cty Tax Ass/Coll)

HB 1966
   For:     Andrea Gibbud (TACA - Bee CtyTaxCl/ass)
            Betty Brown (herself)
            Mary Ann Collins (Repub Pty Tx)
            Ranette Wood (Garland- City Secretary)
            Robert Parten (himself)
   On:      Steve McDonald (Tx Dem Pty)
            Tony Sirvello III (Harris Cty EA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Linda Sue Winn (City of West Lake Hills)